
@lantia @ Oh my gosh, you are too awesome! I'm super SUPER sorry for the ridiculously long gap for the next chapter! You're spot on with the writers block/ college stuff, it's just like I know how the rest of the story's going to go , but whenever I have time to write it won't convert to words...ugh 
          	Anyways! This really just completely made my day, you don't know how much it means that people actually read and like my work. THANK YOU! 
          	Sincerely, Cass J :3


erm... what's next?


@missmaryam09 What about the Girl that Drew Perfect Stars?


@missmaryam09 I'm sorry for the stand-still. I have my main story "Like A Wildfire" on hold due to a serious case of Writer's Block. 
            I apologize for the abrupt pause, as it may be a while longer before the next update.
            Sincerely, Cass J.


@lantia @ Oh my gosh, you are too awesome! I'm super SUPER sorry for the ridiculously long gap for the next chapter! You're spot on with the writers block/ college stuff, it's just like I know how the rest of the story's going to go , but whenever I have time to write it won't convert to words...ugh 
          Anyways! This really just completely made my day, you don't know how much it means that people actually read and like my work. THANK YOU! 
          Sincerely, Cass J :3


I pressed sent on accident again! Anyway, take your time because I know that you want it to be perfect and I am excited to see what you have in store! Keep writing; you are good at it!
          Your reader,


Oops! I sent too early. I was gonna ask maybewwhen you will post it. I really love the story and have been reading it since the start! I understand that writes block is hard so I understand that along with college has to be difficult to find writing time, so take your