
Just got off my zoom call with my critiquer...she liked the first 10 pages of Stranded on a Tiny Planet! I've been looking forward to hearing her thoughts on it and thankfully there weren't many glaring problems she had with it. She liked Merco and felt invested in him as a character. So, now I'm off to edit my query letter and tweak some things on my first three chapters.


@TPG_Iron_Warrior oh believe me I won’t stay quiet if that happens ☺️ I’ve set off Stranded to an agent…but it’s probably going to be a wait before I know if its been accepted or rejected. 


@Fire-Redhead AHHHHHHH! THATS SO AWESOME OH MY GOD?! I’m only just now catching up on all my Wattpad notifications and saw the last three messages you posted! Girl congratulations for taking these steps toward publishing!!!! Oh man, you need to tell us if these stories of yours make it as books on the shelves because I would like to buy hard copies of all of them please! 


@ Fire-Redhead  LETS GOOOOO, I told you that I trusted your abilities as a great writer, keep up the good work, I'm sure you'll make a lot of progress as a writer of this.


You've been missing for more than 1 month, are you okay? I just would like to know how one of my favorite Wattpad authors is doing.


@Rob91oo thank you so much! I appreciate your patience and support!


Thanks for responding, and I hope it goes well for you with editing the story and stuff.


I know! I’ve actually been editing Shadow of Beauty, cutting it down and at the same time trying to figure out how the next chapter should go. I’ve been a bit under motivated (at least more than usual to write). But hopefully I’ll be able to update soon 


Just got off my zoom call with my critiquer...she liked the first 10 pages of Stranded on a Tiny Planet! I've been looking forward to hearing her thoughts on it and thankfully there weren't many glaring problems she had with it. She liked Merco and felt invested in him as a character. So, now I'm off to edit my query letter and tweak some things on my first three chapters.


@TPG_Iron_Warrior oh believe me I won’t stay quiet if that happens ☺️ I’ve set off Stranded to an agent…but it’s probably going to be a wait before I know if its been accepted or rejected. 


@Fire-Redhead AHHHHHHH! THATS SO AWESOME OH MY GOD?! I’m only just now catching up on all my Wattpad notifications and saw the last three messages you posted! Girl congratulations for taking these steps toward publishing!!!! Oh man, you need to tell us if these stories of yours make it as books on the shelves because I would like to buy hard copies of all of them please! 


@ Fire-Redhead  LETS GOOOOO, I told you that I trusted your abilities as a great writer, keep up the good work, I'm sure you'll make a lot of progress as a writer of this.


I did my story pitches to agents this weekend. I think they went good? Hard to tell. 
          I learned a lot of stuff. But I am getting a critique on Friday for the first 10 pages of Stranded on a Tiny Planet. After that I can do any edits/rewrites before sending off the first 3 chapters of both Stranded and Shadow of Beauty to the two agents I met with. 
          Shadow of Beauty is going to get its first chapter rewritten. I learned that you’ve got to start in on the action or compelling dialogue in the first page or you lose their interest fast.
          They did a “America’s Got Talent” where the writers attending could submit the first page of their story to be read aloud. If three agents put up their hand they stopped and basically would hack it to pieces. Mine (Stranded)got chopped just before the last sentence…apparently my paragraph breaks are odd and a grammar error got me. But learned a lot.
          So my plan is to try to go through traditional publishing venues first and if those don’t pan out I will self publish. 
          (Btw if there are any Beta readers out there I’ll probably need one!))


@MdchenderNacht ☺️ thank you so much! It’s definitely going to be a journey 


@Fire-Redhead I am so excited for the news and I believe that you will go on a nice journey, to become a great author, as I am sure, you will do great! ^^


@Rob91oo Thank you so very much :) Your support always means the world to me and keeps me going for sure.


So at the end of this week I’m going to be pitching both Stranded on a Tiny Planet Shadow of Beauty to some publishing agents at a writing conference. I also submitted the first ten pages of Stranded on a Tiny Planet to be critiqued. I’m excited but also secretly freaking out. If either of those stories get a publishing offer I’ll probably hyperventilate.  


@ Fire-Redhead  that's so good to hear good luck!


@Luffykuro Here's hoping...I'm pretty nervous. But if this doesn't work there's always self publishing


@Miz_Beella Thank you so much! That really means a lot :) Here's hoping.


I read through all of your stories and I love them so much!! Your writing style is incredibly easy to follow while maintaining all the detail necessary to picture it. I do leatherworking and bookbinding in my spare time and was wondering if you be okay with me printing your stories off and binding them to keep on my bookshelf?


@Cheywar248 omg that would be amazing! I’m scared my books would be a foot thick!!


Should I find the time to finish it, I wouldn't mind making you some bound copies if you want


@Cheywar248 Thank you very much! 
            That's so cool! I've played with bookbinding and made myself a sketchbook before and I bought some bookmaking tools (just haven't used them). As long as it's just for you and not for sale I'm ok with it. ONE day I'll have a printed book for some of my stories...


As I said in another message, I have read the entire saga about Kendrick and after reading the entire first 2 parts I was curious if you will do a special chapter where Marci defeats Kendrick and Twillow in the lower realm. I would like to see more of Marci and how he would react. to the lower realm.


Wow! Well thank you for reading again (I know it’s long…)
            To answer that question about Marci…Yes! She will be visiting and play an integral role in the story ;)
            And with Kimimeyla’s wings it’s a genetic anomaly 


Hello! I just finished reading “Stranded on a Tiny Planet” and oh my god! It was the best story that I have ever read! I loved every part of it and I was so sad when it ended. 
          I am writing you today to ask if you have possibly thought about creating a sequel? If not, no worries! Although, it would be “out of this world” (get it?) if you did in fact decide to make one.
          All the best,


@VanessaMeredith1021 Thank you so much! I just need to get enough money to get it's rather expensive unless you get picked up/discovered...and I'm still trying to figure out an in.
            I hope you enjoy my other stories :) Have fun!


Your so welcome! I’m surprised that your book has not yet been published!
            Sounds good! I will need to look into the Shadow of Beauty books! 
            Thank you so much for replying, and thank you so much for giving me an amazing book to read!! I wish you well on your writing journey, and I will continue to read your books and follow along as you write your newest one!
            I’m off to catch up on your other writings! 
            Have a fantastic rest of your day/night.


@VanessaMeredith1021 Aww! I'm SO glad you liked it! Thank you so much for the kind compliments :)
            As far as a sequel goes, there's nothing in the works...BUT there is room for one should a good plot pop into my head. I'm actually currently working on my trilogy of Shadow of Beauty so that's where my head is at now.
            I will tell you this, if I were to get a book physically published it would probably be this one first though. It just seems to be the most popular for some reason.
            Thank you for your readership!


Here we go again! I've entered my sequel "The Light of My Hearts" into the Watty's. Shadow of Beauty made the shortlist last year which was awesome so we'll see how this one does!
          And there will be a fan favorite voting sometime so I hope I'll get your votes when the time comes :)


@Fire-Redhead May the force be with you.


@GiantObsession  thank you so much! I will be waiting anxiously for October to roll around