
Next time on 'You Have What?!' a certain Cradle of the Revolution will try to have her own personal revenge against England.


To all my Canadian readers, I don't know much about the territories and provinces of Canada beyond their names so while I have an idea of what they look like and what their names are I could use your help filling out their personalities.


@FrozenQueen12 Mkay so I can't speak for like, all the provinces but i was brainstorming ideas for Quebec for my AU so i'll share thoughts :)
            Quebec (Quincy Williams (GN name so any gender you want)) 
            Doesn't really like any of their familly, can be very brash and rude, prefers to speak french over english (being their main language)
            Oldest chlid (Being around since France colonization)
            Looks like a mix of Canada and France
            Talks with New Brunswick because they are only other province that offically speaks French ((btw all of them can speak it cause national language but usually don't, often times just to make Quebec upset))
            jeez that was long, feel free to use any and all of this and change it however you want :>


Hello FrozenQueen12 I really like your stories and I can't wait for te next chapter of 'YOU HAVE WHAT?!' Please continue to be awesome 
          Fellow reader and writer 


@AmericaBotha Aw, thank you! And I'm really glad you like it. When I first started I made this mostly for myself.


I really like your stories, will you please continue to write?


@CarnationLover Really? Why? No one ever gives me feedback so I wouldn't know


The Cardverse one! And thank you so much!


@CarnationLover Of course, I'm just a little busy with my own books and work, but I'll find time in the near future, so don't worry. By the way what's your favorite?