
So for all my instrumentalist/musician friends out there, I have a question. So we know that your personality is your instrument. “So and so said that.” “Oh, it makes sense, she plays flute.” And we also know that at one point, you’re no longer referred to as a violin player, but rather you’re just a violin. “So and so said that.” “Oh, it makes sense. She’s a violin.”
          	So my question to you is when do you become your instrument? Does the instrument change your personality? And if so, at what point in the transformation are you and your instrument considered one and the same?


          	  I have a Pinterest board... And it used to be in my bio


So for all my instrumentalist/musician friends out there, I have a question. So we know that your personality is your instrument. “So and so said that.” “Oh, it makes sense, she plays flute.” And we also know that at one point, you’re no longer referred to as a violin player, but rather you’re just a violin. “So and so said that.” “Oh, it makes sense. She’s a violin.”
          So my question to you is when do you become your instrument? Does the instrument change your personality? And if so, at what point in the transformation are you and your instrument considered one and the same?


            I have a Pinterest board... And it used to be in my bio


So I was at dance convention this past weekend, and apparently there was a dancer from the Abby Lee Dance Company that I was DANCING BESIDE FOR THE WHOLE WEEKEND-


@1dontevenknow0 ofc-
            Jaz and Ella went crazy-


Happy Easter, everyone!! 
          Today is even more important than Good Friday because today was the day He conquered death and defeated sin. Satan thought he’d gotten away with so much, but He is risen!
          He is not here; He has risen just as He said. Come and see the place where He lay. -Matthew 28:6


Today is an important day. Today was the day Jesus took our sin on Himself in order to give us a way out of sin and death. Today, He gave Himself over to be crucified for our pardon. 
          Today the veil way torn. Today the that the chasm created between us and God was filled by His blood. By His stripes, we are healed. In His suffering, we now have life. 
          Good Friday isn’t good because He died. Good Friday is good because it means that we can now spend forever with Him because of what He did for us. 
          But He was pierced for our transgressions, He was crushed for our iniquity, the punishment that brought us peace was on Him, and by His wounds we are healed. -Isaiah 53:5


Hear me out- 
          Boneless wings are adult chicken nuggets


@Henneth-Annun awww, that sucks. Chicken nuggets are awesome. So are boneless wings :)


@Geekgirl531 I mean- fair XD But I love boneless chicken wings. And nuggets always made me sickish after the fourth one XD


I was today years old when I realized Trolls is owned by Dreamworks and not Disney…


@Geekgirl531 @1dontevenknow0 trolls is NOT on Disney guys-
            bc it’s not Disney 


@Geekgirl531 wait now I’m confused toooooo-


@1dontevenknow0 Amyyyy you’re so confusingggg


Shoutout to that one friend you can have a super deep conversation with for twenty minutes, but small talk is something neither of you are capable of because that’s half of my closest friends-


@vampiregirl2131097 Real!
            One of my closest friends- we’re both introverts, and it’s either convos abt the meaning of life, total silence, or us trying in vain to hold a conversation about the weather xD


Guys, I have a big problem T-T
          So apparently, my library card expires next month, which means I have to get a new one with a new number. The problem is, I’ve had the same library card with the same library card number since fourth grade. The same card number I memorized in fourth grade. Like, I don’t even go to the library with my card, I just walk in and spout off the number. It’s what I’ve been doing since fourth grade. AND NOW YOU EXPECT ME TO CHANGE?


@Geekgirl531 yeah but it doesn’t do anything 


@1dontevenknow0 that doesn’t work if the problem is myself-


I know it’s late, but can I just say that when I place a hold on a book at the library that they don’t have in, I really want to know how long until the hold will be ready. How else do I know whether I can start a new book or if I can wait a day for my hold to be ready. You don’t understand how anxiety-inducing this is-


@1dontevenknow0 Maddy loaned me that one. I’ve been on page 53 for like two months now-
            But thank you!!


@Geekgirl531 ugh TWO DAYS what a nightmare :(((


@Geekgirl531 I saw at Full Circle that they had tons of copies of The Ballad of Songbirds and snakes if you’re still looking for the book. Last time I checked, only about $25.