
Happy Pride Month everyone <33
          	Btw - In case anyone was curious :)
          	Glow; Daniel Aiken - Demisexual + Panromantic
          	ST Fics; Lucy Harrington - Bisexual, Russell Hargrove - Asexual
          	My additional ST Fic for season four - Antonio Morales - Gay, Alicia Morales - Lesbian, Samantha Allan - Queersexual + Homoromantic


Happy Pride Month everyone <33
          Btw - In case anyone was curious :)
          Glow; Daniel Aiken - Demisexual + Panromantic
          ST Fics; Lucy Harrington - Bisexual, Russell Hargrove - Asexual
          My additional ST Fic for season four - Antonio Morales - Gay, Alicia Morales - Lesbian, Samantha Allan - Queersexual + Homoromantic


I'm going to be inactive this weekend, but I hope everyone enjoys the new chapters! Comments and votes really help me keep going with writing, I appreciate all the support you guys give me.
          Hope that everyone's having a wonderful day or night!
          <3 - Ghosty


I have a question for everyone who reads my Stranger Things fan fictions!! If you don't want to answer, you obviously don't have to, but I'm just curious. I've been planning, since before I started publishing Twigs & Dirt - while I was still in the writing and planning phases of all four stories - to add a fifth story called "Paint & Glue" which would be a Male OC x Will Byers fanfic set in season 4. 
          I was just wondering if you guys would like me to still add that story, if you'd rather me do a different OC x character (either female OC x Eddie Munson or female OC x Robin Buckley) instead, or just keep it to the original four books. Or if you don't have an opinion at all. 
          I will say that the character in Will's book would be named Antonio Morales, he has an older sister, Alicia, who pretty much raises Antonio with her girlfriend, Samantha. 
          I appreciate any feedback you have for me on this as I'm fairly indecisive and am not sure if another story being added to the series would be appreciated or loved as much as the current ones, and if so, which would be the most wanted. 
          Hope that everyone's having a wonderful day or night! 
          <3 - Ghosty




I have my next chapter of Glow written and it's scheduled to be posted on May 6th 2-am PST ^^ 
          It's a longer chapter at around 1.5k words. I apologize for taking a small break on that story, and hope all my Glow readers enjoy it!! 
          I am also currently working on more chapters for my ST fanfics and am hoping to get one or two out this week. 
          Thank you for all the support I get on all my stories, it's truly what inspires me to continue working on them. 
          Hope that everyone's having a wonderful day or night! 
          <3 - Ghosty


Patiently waiting for the people who read all 4 of my stories to realize that Gold & Stone didn’t get a Season 4 Part announcement  


@ GhostyBug  I DID NOTICE I JUST THOUGHT IT WAS YET TO COME (You're not actually staying canon considering Billy... riiiiight?!!)


this message may be offensive
I NOTICED I THOUGHT YOU HADNT GOTTEN ROUND TO DOING IT. oh shit. Oh god oh no oh oh oh oh that’s not good


Hello!! I just wanted to say that I’m working on new chapters for all of my stories, I’ve just been swamped with school work and haven’t been able to write and edit a full chapter yet.
          Hope everyone’s having a wonderful day or night!
          <3 - Ghosty 


          For those of you who read my Stranger Things fanfics, I posted doodles of Lucy, Russell, Justin and Rylie on my instagram. 
          The link to my instagram on my main page.
          So for any of you interested, you can go see them there!! 
          Thank you for all the support on my stories, I appreciate every read, vote, comment and save! 
          Hope that everyone's having a wonderful day or night!
          <3 - Ghosty


Hello everyone!
          I’m hoping to get another Glow chapter out tonight and another chapter for Twigs & Dirt, Gold & Stone, Sun & Rain, and Petals & Thorns by tomorrow! 
          I apologize for taking such a long break on my ST fanfics, I’ve been busy with my personal life and just haven’t had the energy to work on the 4 POV story. 
          Hope that everyone’s having a wonderful day or night!
          <3 - Ghosty


Take your time! There’s no rush or pressure! Xx