
I suspect there may a glitch connected to my account, some readers have reported 1) chapter won't appear for them and 2) I seemed to have disappeared. But, I have never received a TOS violation email, and I can still see myself on a different account. If this continues to be an issue, please send a help ticket! I sent one earlier to ask what is going on, though.


@GiveMeThatBread I've contacted help support. To my readers having issues: log out and in, check language settings, and let me know if these are occurring on the desktop version only.


In final destination part one there’s a sentence that is missing the word I. “I guess I have become a fool” 


I’m a librarian so editing stuff must be in my blood lol. Cuz I read frequently or try too anyways. I’ve been crocheting more recently though, but I always keep up with this book. 


I can do that!! I might reread some earlier chapters and see if I can find any errors. Typos are the easiest to spot, unneeded punctuation I am not as good at spotting, but can spot fragmented sentences pretty well too. 


@KaylaCrawley1 you should just be my grammar editor at this point for Book 2 and onward hahaha. since I don't have one for it (past editor for published version book 1 is too busy now!)