
          	I'M SUCH AN IDIOT 
          	As I was re-writing ROOM ch 11 I remembered  that I was gonna change Momo's hero costume and other characters' ones too. So I had them (photos) saved on a file on my laptop, and I've now just remembered that those files got wiped along with all of my apps and files on my laptop. My laptop was glitchy so I got it repaired but at the cost of losing all my data on it. That included, covers for different fanfics, photos for fanfics, fan art and some transcripts :(
          	Oh well it's all right l, I can search the internet for those photos back. I'm just a little annoyed that I didn't think to download them on a USB chip :().
          	As of now 10/40 chapters have been re-written. I'd like to say the next re-written chap will come out this weekend but I highly doubt that as I have not one but TWO internals due by Friday this week. Both English based too meaning a lot of typing and researching (fu English & psychology).
          	I'll try and finish them soon but I don't know when exactly I'll be free but, I have a school holiday at the end of this week which lasts two weeks so I'm praying I'll be able to edit then. Also thank you all for being so patient with me, I seriously didn't think these past two years would be busy but boy was I wrong. Thank you all so so so so much, love you all to the moon and back. See you soon hopefully <3


          I'M SUCH AN IDIOT 
          As I was re-writing ROOM ch 11 I remembered  that I was gonna change Momo's hero costume and other characters' ones too. So I had them (photos) saved on a file on my laptop, and I've now just remembered that those files got wiped along with all of my apps and files on my laptop. My laptop was glitchy so I got it repaired but at the cost of losing all my data on it. That included, covers for different fanfics, photos for fanfics, fan art and some transcripts :(
          Oh well it's all right l, I can search the internet for those photos back. I'm just a little annoyed that I didn't think to download them on a USB chip :().
          As of now 10/40 chapters have been re-written. I'd like to say the next re-written chap will come out this weekend but I highly doubt that as I have not one but TWO internals due by Friday this week. Both English based too meaning a lot of typing and researching (fu English & psychology).
          I'll try and finish them soon but I don't know when exactly I'll be free but, I have a school holiday at the end of this week which lasts two weeks so I'm praying I'll be able to edit then. Also thank you all for being so patient with me, I seriously didn't think these past two years would be busy but boy was I wrong. Thank you all so so so so much, love you all to the moon and back. See you soon hopefully <3


Just finished viral hit.
          I remember when it was released on webtoon back in 2019 and getting excited for a new PTJ story. I love that I can finally say I've been a fan ever since the first chapter came out. I've laughed over this webtoon, cried over it, been angered by it and enjoyed it. Obviously the webtoon comes with faults but over all I've really enjoyed it and I think it was a good ending. So now that it's ended, a little Information of my fav parts of the story.
          First fav character: Taehoon Seong 
          Current fav character: Taehoon Seong 
          I've been a Taehoon fan since he was introduced. Of course he didn't have the greatest intoduction but I found him quite an interesting character. And once we hit his background arc that solidified my love for him. He was always there to protect Hobin and definitely had that deep loyalty for his friends.
          Least fav character: Bomi Choi
          She's always been my least fav, all she was, was a romantic love interest. Now that's not a bad traite for a character. But they need something more and her whole Character revoked around Hobin. The only thing she brought to the webtoon was a romantic partnerb to Hobin, a love rival to Gaeul and a romantic interest to moonseong. This I could go in for hours, much like anybother girl from the PTJ series.
          Fav arc: wangkuk and gyeoul arc
          Ok, idk if u guys know what arc I'm talking about. But their introduction arc. I really liked seeing this arc go down. Because it showed depth to Rumi, gyeoul and wangkuks character.  That they weren't just a 1 dimensional character. And it introduced my second fav character, Gyeoul. It showed struggles which all three went through. And showed me that PTJ can actually write woman if he tries. 
          Second fav arc is definitely Taehoons backstory.
          I would write more bur I need to go somewhere so bye byee till next time. I also can't be ffed fixing the spelling errors


          I do hope to update more this year, but I am moving to a new school. I also am entering the most important school year Soo well just have to see.
          Thank you all for staying around and being such amazing people. I can't thank you enough 
          Wishing you all a great 2024 
          Love you all and take care of yourself ️


@Giyuu_is_lonely happy new year too, take care of yourself too, god bless!! 


As I re-write these chapters. I cringe with how much the POV changes and the spelling mistakes. So thank you all of you who have stuck by and sorry you had to experience that horrid writing.  As of now, 8/38 chapters have been re-written. Take care <3


this is honestly so relatable :’) we’ve all come a long way and we must acknowledge it! good job for keeping up with writing, everything betters with practice ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶


          It's been months since the last update and i was just curious if u have dropped room? or it on hold? I absolutely live the storyline ❤


@slytherin_things Hello, sorry for not updating the story I've just been busy with school and life and all that jazz, so for the mean time majority of my stories are on hiatus for a bit while I figure out a schedule. I'm glad you like the story.