
After the disaster of writing out the last few chapters of the rpg quirk which the first part should be out in a week or so I decided to unpublish my quirkless villain book to rewrite and take a more realistic approach to how he might descend into villainy
          	This is ya boi taking a nap  


@Glovehat  i have ideas for stories


@Glovehat Night night, Glove


What kind of storys does your girlfriend write?


See? I use inspiration from other stories to help me write my introductions to my dnd sessions and it is fun all at the same time!!! Maybe you can use other people's writing and storys as inspiration for your own books!!! As long as your story is original you dont have to add them as well but dont blatantly copy other people stories for yourself. Isnt cool just take inspiration.


Also whenever im making dnd sessions with my players and i have a hard time figuring out what to do, i usually read on wattpad, look at other storys and they usually give me ideas on what to make! I once read this one book about waking up in a dungeon floor and having to kill monsters to level up so you can leave and i made a dungeon based off the floor design of the story! I also made a little story on how my players woke up there and it was basically "you woke up in a cave feeling cold yet oh so tired... You think to yourself " i dont want to get up just let me closr my eyes for a bit longer..." But all of a sudden a sharp pain goes up your arm through your body. You wake up groggy and tired and you walk outside the cave... You exit the cave and there is a blizzard flowing through the air freezing and numbing your skin as you walk by. You feel as if ypu have been walking for hours, days, years, even decades feel like tjey have gone by in the last 10 minutes... You notice a cave, stricken with frostbite all over your body, sopping wet with your ragged shirt and loose pants sticking to your bare skin with icicles growing off them... You enter the cave. Its warm. Its nice. You enter farther in and it gets darker and darker yet it get more quiet the farther you go in... Its warm. Its dark. Your rest your back against the slippery stone walls. You take your freezing, sopping wet clothes off you frostbitten back, and you lay down. And sleep. You fall. Right. To.... ₴˥ΞΞ₱.....


After the disaster of writing out the last few chapters of the rpg quirk which the first part should be out in a week or so I decided to unpublish my quirkless villain book to rewrite and take a more realistic approach to how he might descend into villainy
          This is ya boi taking a nap  


@Glovehat  i have ideas for stories


@Glovehat Night night, Glove