
Hey everybody! It's been a hot minute! 
          	If some of you have noticed, all but one of the chapters of Demon of the Golden Rule have been removed. That's because I'm rewriting it... Again... With my writing partner. Just didn't wanna freak anyone out. Everything will be published when everything is finalized, so HOPEFULLY we won't have to rewrite it again, lol. 
          	Thank you for your continued support! 


Hey everybody! It's been a hot minute! 
          If some of you have noticed, all but one of the chapters of Demon of the Golden Rule have been removed. That's because I'm rewriting it... Again... With my writing partner. Just didn't wanna freak anyone out. Everything will be published when everything is finalized, so HOPEFULLY we won't have to rewrite it again, lol. 
          Thank you for your continued support! 


Hi! Been a while huh? My writing partner and I are re-writing The Two They Loved Most! Also, we are almost done with The Demon of the Golden Rule! 
          Life has been really tough for me, so I'm so sorry about the lack of updates. But I'll make sure to step my game up! 


          ONE- I WILL, yes, WILL be updating Pan's Younger Sister (Remake), but updates will be slow. I have a new job, so my freedom schedule will be off. 
          TWO- How many people would read it if I made a Seven deadly sins fan fiction? 


You can read my dbgt younger sister story if you want


Do you think you will update pans younger super saiyan?


@johnsonc2118 Honestly, I've had such bad writers block with that story, if I get around to it, I'll update it was much as I can. 


Jade ✊ it’s ‘Sylveee’ from Surge aka Paradise by Force 
          I wanna catch up because I was kind of really young and dumb back then with my one-liner asterisks lmao 


first off- all my cringe emojis got deleted :((
            and I’ve been alright, just doing whatever I can to keep myself entertained. you?


@AkumaDazu hey!! Man, how have ya been? I wanna catch up too! 