
*pokes his head out of the ground. Doesn’t see shadow and grumbles. Puts head back in ground *


Apologies for confusion.  FOr some odd reason, the app keeps sending myself and others to an older version of the Clubhouse Campagins.  I have a feeling after I unpublished it things got wacky.  So, it's up under a new title for the time being - The Clubhouse Chronicles.


          How are you, my old friend? I am still so thankful for this relationship that we began years ago on Booksie. The work you have composed has always inspired me in many ways, with one of my pages in my popular article being dedicated to you.
          I am looking to began another work here soon about the meat industry and the many secrets about food that are not so secret anymore.
          I would love your ideas on this! 
          Send me a private message or comment on my profile.
          Thanks again for all you do, and I look forward to hearing from you.


Please someone help.  I can't post anything because of a little pop up box.  The publish and save feature are there, but it requires me to put in the genre in again but the publish and save button vanish.  Why can't I publish?!?!?!


I've been toying with the idea of ten minute plays for some time now.  Writing in short structures has always been an interest of mine but those structures are no different than larger ones.  Every story has a beginning, a middle and and end.  It's not different with a ten minute play.  You have to throw the bone quickly and pay it off fast.    
          I am not an expert at writing plays of any length, but ten minute plays are generally a good starting point.  Be sure to check out the one I just posted entitled, "Scratch or Ride" and leave a few comments.


and I realize the cover is terrible......ugh, I'm not visually artistic.