
Again, silence doesn't mean idleness.
          	I am now a published author! Look for my kid's book, "Once Upon a Tower" on Amazon!
          	My first spicy book is in edits and will be released under that penname early next year.
          	I have several projects underway, so we'll see what happens next. 


Again, silence doesn't mean idleness.
          I am now a published author! Look for my kid's book, "Once Upon a Tower" on Amazon!
          My first spicy book is in edits and will be released under that penname early next year.
          I have several projects underway, so we'll see what happens next. 


Greetings, all! Popping in to assure my few fans that lack of published content does not mean that I have created none. In the three years since my last public update, I have been going through a lot in my personal life. 
          In just the last year I have created a secondary penname and have forayed into "spicy" literature. I have completed the first draft of my first of those novels and have a good start on the second. Those are only available to a very select audience at the moment, but I do hope to have at least one published fairly soon.
          Most recently I have begun writing in short story contests on another site... Which also pays it's authors per read of any works published on their site, including fan fiction. It isn't much, but it is something so I have started transferring my work there. In the process of this move and in light of some of the changes in my life, I have decided to do an editorial overhaul of my two most popular fan-fics, the "In My Eyes" duoligy. The originals will remain here as is, but will be rereleased as weakly serials on the other site once they have been edited. I'll continue my sporadic updates here as well. So no worries. 
          If you are interested in seeing the stories after rerelease, you would like to see the new work, and/or support me just by reading, look me up on Vocal.media
          Hope to see you there!


I got the first "episode" up yesterday! I make no promises in regards to schedule, but I will attempt to post an "episode" about every two weeks and I promise to not leave you with major cliffhangers (unless the following episode is almost or completely finished already). 


NEW!!!! I will hopefully be posting new work by Sat. March 24th (to give my beta readers time to get back with me and for me to do some more editing). It will be the first piece in an episodic fan-fiction arc! Keep watching for it! I'm so excited! *happydance*


I LOVE to hear from my readers (it actually makes more motivated to keep going)! So if you give me a star, would you also leave me a word or two to let me know what things you are liking about my tales, it would be appreciated and I will try to respond quickly. 
          I have several original works being juggled but I am super self conscious about posting them (especially before they're finished) without a lot of encouragement.