
First chapter of Unforgiven is out now!!!! 


OK, OK, listen!
          Just like every day I was sitting on a chair looking through my stories, feeling no motivation to write, then after going through the drafts I have of Get Cool!, I was about to go to my library to read something when I noticed a 'K' in one of my stories, well 0X1 2k but anyways out of curiosity I clicked on the story thing, yk. 
          So, Future Perfect reach 1K and Get Cool! Reached 3K
          Yes, I froze for some seconds, my jaw feel on the floor, yesterday Future Perfect it was 900 something, then boom! It's 1.17k.
          3k is unbelievable for a shity story like Get Cool! 
          Well, thank youuuuu!!!!, there nothing else I can say right now, this is amazing! I love you all!! Thank you for reading!!
          I was thinking about changing Future Perfect's the cover tho!
          Harley loves ya!!


@Hayooniverse how can you not believe Get cool got that much read that story is literally perfect ✨