
Wow, been a while since I've done this. But can you believe it? Illusory chapter 36 updates tomorrow! 
          	I really don't think you guys are expecting what I have planned. While we're at it, any questions or comments about the fic?


@WINTERRKOOKKIE I’m glad you’re enjoying the fic! Tbh I never thought I would get this far with it, but knowing that people look forward to new chapters is really inspiring.


@Hircines im always thrilled when i see you’ve updated Illusory!! I love Antaras and his story. And your writing is really enjoyable and realistic! Illusory is truly one of my favourite stories on this app and I can’t wait to see what you have planned!!


Wow, been a while since I've done this. But can you believe it? Illusory chapter 36 updates tomorrow! 
          I really don't think you guys are expecting what I have planned. While we're at it, any questions or comments about the fic?


@WINTERRKOOKKIE I’m glad you’re enjoying the fic! Tbh I never thought I would get this far with it, but knowing that people look forward to new chapters is really inspiring.


@Hircines im always thrilled when i see you’ve updated Illusory!! I love Antaras and his story. And your writing is really enjoyable and realistic! Illusory is truly one of my favourite stories on this app and I can’t wait to see what you have planned!!


Hey guys!
          Updates for Illusory will be a lil’ more spaced out from this point. I started University a couple weeks ago and I’ve got less time for writing now. Instead of a weekly update, it’ll be more like bi-weekly.
          Rest assured, the story will continue!