
Esteemed Readers,
          	Whispers abound in the salons and ballrooms of our fair city of Wattpad, and it is my delight to be the harbinger of thrilling news once again.
          	Prepare to amend your literary lexicon, for the esteemed tome known as "WattpadHistoricalRomance" is undergoing a transformation. Henceforth, it shall be reborn as "HistoricalLove." But that is not all. This cherished publication is currently undergoing meticulous reconstruction, much like a grand estate being refurbished for a grand soirée.
          	Why, you may ask? Rumor has it that this reinvention is in preparation for a most auspicious occasion—the impending arrival of Bridgerton's third season. The industrious hands behind this endeavor assure us that nothing shall deter its timely unveiling.
          	Thus, dear readers, let us eagerly anticipate the emergence of "HistoricalLove," a testament to the enduring allure of romance amidst the tapestries of history.
          	Yours Truly,
          	Lady Admin of HistoricalLove


@HistoricalLove woah....*googly eyes* 
          	  Waiting eagerly for your transformative return 


Esteemed Readers,
          Whispers abound in the salons and ballrooms of our fair city of Wattpad, and it is my delight to be the harbinger of thrilling news once again.
          Prepare to amend your literary lexicon, for the esteemed tome known as "WattpadHistoricalRomance" is undergoing a transformation. Henceforth, it shall be reborn as "HistoricalLove." But that is not all. This cherished publication is currently undergoing meticulous reconstruction, much like a grand estate being refurbished for a grand soirée.
          Why, you may ask? Rumor has it that this reinvention is in preparation for a most auspicious occasion—the impending arrival of Bridgerton's third season. The industrious hands behind this endeavor assure us that nothing shall deter its timely unveiling.
          Thus, dear readers, let us eagerly anticipate the emergence of "HistoricalLove," a testament to the enduring allure of romance amidst the tapestries of history.
          Yours Truly,
          Lady Admin of HistoricalLove


@HistoricalLove woah....*googly eyes* 
            Waiting eagerly for your transformative return 


❝How do you feel about historical romance books that are adapted into movies or TV shows? Do you prefer to read the book first or watch the adaptation first?❞


@WattpadHistoricalRomance It's a hard question because once you've watched the adaptation, you can't imagine the characters different from the actors, but once you've read the book, you can't picture the characters different than what you imagined lol


@WattpadHistoricalRomance I usually prefer reading a book before seeing an adaptation, but for historical romances I tend to like seeing the adaptation first. I like looking at the pretty costumes :D


@WattpadHistoricalRomance People's preferences regarding whether to read the book first or watch the adaptation vary. Some readers prefer to immerse themselves in the original story by reading the book first, allowing them to form their own mental images and interpretations of the characters and events. Others enjoy watching the adaptation first, as it provides a visual representation and can enhance their understanding and appreciation of the source material when they read the book afterward.
            Historical romance books adapted into movies or TV shows often spark discussions among fans about the faithfulness of the adaptation to the original story, the casting choices, and the overall interpretation of the narrative. Some may have strong opinions about whether the adaptation captured the essence of the book.
            Ultimately, whether to read the book first or watch the adaptation first is a personal choice. It depends on individual preferences, the desire for a specific experience, and whether one values the surprise of discovering the story through reading or the visual elements brought to life on screen.


❝What are some of the Valentine’s Day traditions or customs in your culture or country?❞


@WattpadHistoricalRomance here in the Philippines, Writing love notes or letters expressing affection is a heartfelt tradition. Some people take the time to write personalized messages to their loved ones, sharing their feelings and appreciation.


Spotting couples sitting lovingly on a wall as they overlook the beautiful scene in front of them, and then cleverly sneaking up behind them to push them off. 
            Kidding. Just kidding. 
            For me, a good morning kiss is a must, followed by wearing something red or pink. If one receives roses then, well, that’s makes for a perfect day. 


❝How do you navigate the portrayal of historical values and societal norms in romance novels, especially when they differ from modern perspectives? Does it impact your enjoyment of the genre?❞


If the prevalent historical attitude is going to offend readers and sink sympathy for a character, I understand the need to change it, but there needs to be an in-universe reason. If a character is open-minded about other cultures, it should be because they know (or get to know) people from other cultures. But I think this should be done sparingly. It’s annoying to have all the sympathetic characters “just know” things like the length of WW1, despite what all the people around them are saying. On the other extreme, it bugged me in The Difference Engine when the MC’s misogynist, colonial attitudes were just not addressed. The story should speak to a modern audience, but it’s ok for the MCs to be wrong, and that could even be a chance for character growth. 


@WattpadHistoricalRomance In historical romance novels, I find the portrayal of societal norms and values from the past to be both fascinating and challenging. While it adds authenticity to the setting, it sometimes requires a nuanced approach to avoid romanticizing aspects that might be considered problematic today. Navigating through these differences enriches the narrative, offering a glimpse into the complexities of historical relationships. It doesn't necessarily impact my enjoyment; instead, it adds layers to the storytelling, prompting reflection on the evolution of societal norms over time.


Hello, esteemed members!
          February is here, which means Black History Month (BHM) is here. For those of you who may not know, Black History Month is a time to celebrate African American history and culture. We understand such a time cannot be contained within a month, so we have curated a Romance Reading List dedicated to highlighting Black voices in the Wattpad community. To access the full list, please visit this link here: https://www.wattpad.com/list/1381809645-celebrating-black-history-month
          And if you haven't already, check out @WattpadFriendsandFamily's BHM inspired contest here: https://www.wattpad.com/1418735867-fun-house-contest-book-feb-24-i-am-loved
          Do you have any favorite Wattpad stories with Black protagonists? Let us know in the comments below!


Hello, esteemed members!
          We are excited to announce Romance Reads has returned and is bigger than ever! Whether you are resolving an unrequited first love or giving into dark impulses with a broody bad boy, we hope you take the time to share your love for Wattpad's biggest romance contest!
          @Romance partnered with @Chicklit, @DangerousLove, @WattpadAfterDark, @WattpadAsianFiction, @WattpadFriendsandFamily, @WattpadHistoricalRomance, and @WattpadRomanceTR, encourages you to entice our fluttering hearts with your romantic stories! Read more about the Romance Reads 2024 contest here: https://www.wattpad.com/story/361136712-romance-reads-2024
          Submissions close on September 1, 2024 at 11:59 PM EST or once all the slots have been filled.


❝Do you have a favorite trope within historical romance, such as enemies-to-lovers, arranged marriages, or second-chance romance? What draws you to that particular trope?❞	


@WattpadHistoricalRomance For me its all. there are all each unique in their own way tbh if told well


@WattpadHistoricalRomance I love enemies to lovers trope and arranged marriage because the series which I am writing 'Love unquenchable' series, has both the tropes 


@WattpadHistoricalRomance There's something incredibly captivating about the tension and conflict between two characters who initially can't stand each other, only to discover a deeper connection and genuine affection as the story unfolds. The gradual transition from animosity to love adds layers to the narrative, creating a dynamic and emotionally charged journey for both the characters and the reader. I love the complexity and growth that often accompanies this trope, making the eventual romantic resolution all the more satisfying.


❝What historical period do you find most enchanting when it comes to historical romance, and can you recommend a standout book set in that era?❞


@WattpadHistoricalRomance Medieval Tragedies & fascinate me, especially when it involved the 'fall from grace' trope. The romance that happens in the background is often well developed in such stories. One example would be Othello


@WattpadHistoricalRomance I find the Victorian era most enchanting when it comes to historical romance. A standout book set in that era is "Pride and Prejudice" by Jane Austen. This timeless classic beautifully captures the societal norms, manners, and romantic intrigues of the early 19th century, making it a must-read for historical romance enthusiasts.


@WattpadHistoricalRomance Well, I'm going out of the American and European historical times for a second, cause I'm enchated with my culture's Spanish Colonialism . It hits home - I was born in the Philippines and dispite not being bilingual, I tend to understand Tagalog and a little Spanish. 
            I was told that my great grandmother was mestiza - a mixture of Spanish and Filipino blood. That's why I have like 9& fair skin. On my mother's side, my greatgrandfather perished in the Battle of Bataan (1942 ).
            When I was studying in College, I took a Filipino Course (I was lucky cuz the Prof. only visted the US) and introduced some books for us to read. America is in the Heart by Carlos Bulosan was one of them. It was about his life when he was young. I like reading stories about an author's life at times, cause as the reader we could imagine the harsh treatments they had to go through in order to get by.
            So that is my answer, it's based on my Filipino traditions.


❝Picture yourself by a crackling fireplace with a good book. What genre or type of book would you choose for a cozy reading session in January?❞


@WattpadHistoricalRomance I would choose a captivating historical romance novel to transport me to a bygone era filled with passion, intrigue, and the timeless allure of love. The flickering flames would mirror the sparks flying between the protagonists, as I lose myself in the rich historical settings and the enthralling dance of emotions that characterize the genre. There's something magical about getting lost in the pages of a well-written historical romance while the winter wind howls outside, creating the perfect ambiance for a cozy reading session.


Greetings, esteemed members!
          Thank you for your participation in the “Reigning Desires” contest in collaboration with @WattpadAfterDark. We enjoyed reading your stories. Please come and send a huge congratulations to our winners.
          The winners are @Regencylov3r with "Burning Desires" - https://www.wattpad.com/story/355410938-burning-desires and @TeliseClaar with "Arranged Downfall" -  https://www.wattpad.com/1401398423?utm_source=ios&utm_medium=link&utm_content=share_reading&wp_page=reading_part_end&wp_uname=TeliseClaar&wp_originator=hp0XV4zxiQLUALmEhPKuXpyXEhJZ1X63tLd6TaR0GtwJjU%2FmNZDJtwvaVvtIW2DooZmOmz0NKkrixns3QRJYBjAqCSPz62LHu0ZFmJWBXO3w0Y2ay7JfGBYUMc5PGa1W
          Congratulations! We will PM you the prizes soon. Thank you to all of you for participating in the contest. We hope to see you all again in our future activities.
          With kind regards,
          WattpadHistoricalRomance Team.