
          	Hi, hello to all lovely and beautiful people reading this.
          	Yes. I've been very (very) inactive. But at my sporadic returns, I did keep seeing a rise in not only reads, but also followers. So thank you all for 300 amazing follows !
          	On another note, this post doesn't mean my return to Wattpad. It doesn't mean I'm working on a chapter of SI, or a one shot, or even working on one of my drafts.
          	I'm sorry for the reality check.
          	Some of you may know (from my consistent long talks at the end of chapters) that I started my first year of university in September, here in Belgium. I chose to study Japanese language and culture, which I absolutely adore and I've never been happier with a choice I made. But it also means that I've been getting a whole sh*t load of work from day 1 (different from some other degrees, that have general introductory weeks, we jumped straight in), thanks to the complexity of the language and how much it differs from my mother tongue.
          	So I've been kinda mentally drained for whole evenings after class and homeworks. My mind isn't really creatively active at the moment. I'm sorry to dissapoint and let down a load of readers (of mainly SI). Believe me when I say I too, miss the fic and the interaction with you all.
          	So as depressing this life update has been, I hope you know that I can't wait to get into a flow in which I can be creative, on top of getting along with uni.
          	I love you guys, thank you so much, and I hope to see you soon 


Hi! I wanna say that your stories are a m a z i n g! I know that subway ink is unfinished! but I wanna say that the first chapter has drawn me in! All your works are amazing! Please take care!  


@slysuga  oh wow I'm so sorry I didn't see this before! Thank you so much, I really appreciate you thinking so 


          Hi, hello to all lovely and beautiful people reading this.
          Yes. I've been very (very) inactive. But at my sporadic returns, I did keep seeing a rise in not only reads, but also followers. So thank you all for 300 amazing follows !
          On another note, this post doesn't mean my return to Wattpad. It doesn't mean I'm working on a chapter of SI, or a one shot, or even working on one of my drafts.
          I'm sorry for the reality check.
          Some of you may know (from my consistent long talks at the end of chapters) that I started my first year of university in September, here in Belgium. I chose to study Japanese language and culture, which I absolutely adore and I've never been happier with a choice I made. But it also means that I've been getting a whole sh*t load of work from day 1 (different from some other degrees, that have general introductory weeks, we jumped straight in), thanks to the complexity of the language and how much it differs from my mother tongue.
          So I've been kinda mentally drained for whole evenings after class and homeworks. My mind isn't really creatively active at the moment. I'm sorry to dissapoint and let down a load of readers (of mainly SI). Believe me when I say I too, miss the fic and the interaction with you all.
          So as depressing this life update has been, I hope you know that I can't wait to get into a flow in which I can be creative, on top of getting along with uni.
          I love you guys, thank you so much, and I hope to see you soon 


I just got a message from one of my teachers (that couldn't be at the ceremony) to personally congratualate me :'') why do some teachers only get cool once you don't have them anymore ???
          (not this one though, she's one of the best I ever had) 


I just read I Hate You I Love You all in one go, it was beautiful, you made me cry ;-; I really loved the style, I've not read anything like that before, and you really managed to set the mood. It was a really emotional story, and I think it portraied two peoples feelings in a very good and gripping way.
          This might sound very dramatic, but you really deserve it! ❤
          (I'm also waiting in excitement for the next chapter of Subway Ink )


omg.. thank you so much for reading! I’m really glad you enjoyed it ☺️ (for SI, I’m working on the next chapter (it won’t be a month of waiting this time))


I'm so done with Wattpad right now! I wrote a whole chapter, saved it, bla bla bla..
          Then, I spent a good part of today making those wallpapers and getting them linked in the chapter and stuff and thEN I SEE ALL MY WRITING IS GONE


Okay so I swear I'm not dead and that I'm working the next chapter.. it will probably come out anytime this weekend?? It currently counts 1666 words (and I didn't do that on purpose).
          So, I was thinking, as I need to say sorry for the long wait (again, I feel like I do that every chapter), I was wondering if any of you would be interested in some SUBWAY INK- themed wallpapers? I've been wanting to make some, so as a sorry-gift, I can make some and include them in the next chapter..?
          (it probably wouldn't be just yoonmin ;))
          So.. any takers for those?