
Did you miss me? 


i do not intend to come off as rude, so apologies if i seem tenacious. i think you need to do some research on the disorders you include in your books. great books, but completely inaccurate. i understand they are works of fiction, and not everyone knows everything, but you are putting this stigma onto these disorders. if you need any help with properly wording things in relation, feel free to DM me. thank you. 


If you actual read my friends story would noticed thy they have stated MULTIPLE times already that the info in the book is not accurate as they are were 14 years old when writing these, maybe take a look next time instead of accusing them  of speaking misfortune and Kirk YOU stated the books are a work of fiction. Have a good day. Thank you. 


This is no hate or anything, but I'm genuinely curious. Why did you take down your books? Suicide line was so good!!


@IDidntseeyou Ohhh ok, I understand. Take your time, and thanks


Wow I didn’t really think anyone would notice it gone, but to be honest: It’s getting a small renew. It may take a long time, but it’s coming along, I might put it back up to fill in the time 