
I've uploaded a new chapter *tosses streamers everywhere*


I've been tagged by @ColumnatedRuins to write 13 random facts about myself. *cracks knuckles* let's do this.
          1)	I am a shy little owl who happens to make really great pizza :p
          2)	I hate loud noises and vacuums.
          3)	I use ^_^ so much I’ve begun to think I personally own it. Therefore I feel weird when other people use it too. 
          4)	I like to count words on my fingers to see if I can make a sentence using just five words.
          5)	My writing style is a bit on the poetic side. I think. 
          6)	Sophie Hatter and Howl Pendragon hold a special place in my heart.
          7)	Currently, I’m writing a short story about demons and shadowy stuff. Not to be confused with those other two stories on my profile which are also about demons and shadowy stuff. Totally unrelated. 
          8)	*ahem* I like writing about demons and shadowy stuff…
          9)	Thanks to Hamilton, I can now rap without injuring my tongue, or people’s ears.
          10)	Unfortunately, I didn’t help me dance better. 
          11)	I get the vague feeling sometimes that my local librarians don’t like me. 
          12)	Once I dreamt that a group of Muppets slowly turned and stared at me in an alley. It was seriously creepy and I woke disturbed.
          13)	I ate some donuts yesterday. They were delicious. 
          I’m tagging:   @FuzzyWorm101 and @Featherfur2 (if you so desire). And whoever else feels up to it ^_^