
Happy new year everyone! May this year be full of hope and joy. 


Hey it's theescapeswrites here!
          I would really appreciate it if you check out my latest story Madhuri
          It's a historical period drama romance story between the prince and the dancer, hope you like it .


Hey I know this is a wrong way for communicating,  but I hope you are safe and the cyclone didn't affect you and your prayers are with you..take care..


@colour_splash Hey, thank you so much. Yes, we are fine. Nothing major happened in my city compared to last year's cyclone. But many of other places in Odisha and West Bengal have been badly affected. I pray for their recovery. And, there is nothing wrong in this way of communicating. Feel free to message me here or in dm. ❤️❤️


To my friends who have been affected by Cyclone Amphan today, hope you and your families are safe and sound. I hope in this difficult times, you are supporting your loved ones and caring for them.
          Please help those who need it. 
          Thank you and stay safe! ❤️❤️


Corona Virus has made the world go through a very hard phase and during this time, it is our responsibility as the citizens of this Earth to take all the precautions we can as well as help others who are in need. For the sake of humanity, please do not go out of your homes, practice good hygiene, don't hoard stuffs, meet your friends through social networking and take care of your loved ones. Let us help medical personnel by keeping ourselves healthy and utilize this time to read, write, follow our hobbies and connect with our families.
          I have been reading news where "Educated" people are violating the rules and as a student of Education, it hurts me to know that somewhere Education has failed. Please let us proove that we are responsible, knowledgeable and true humans. 
          Our Prime Minister of India has asked for "Janta Curfew" tomorrow and I request all my friends, readers, followers and everyone to follow it wholeheartedly. I also request my friends from other nations to take all the precautions, stay safe and healthy. Let's do our part and contribute to the fight against this Pandemic!
          My love and prayers are with you,
          Esha, Indianwriter.
          I am here if you need someone to talk to...


@anupamarrao Actually, I have a lot of things to do like study for exams and entrances but all I do in watch shows and read stories/books. XD 


@Indianwriter yeah! Stay safe, healthy, and calm. And try not to go insane in the time we have "nothing" to do ;D


@anupamarrao And, don't worry about being jobless. Right now, just focus on you and your loved ones being safe and healthy. Once all this gets over, you and I both will have the opportunity to show our talent and skills! :D 


Hi everyone... It's been so long since I have logged on to Wattpad. If you are able to read this message, just drop in to say hi.
          I would be really happy to connect back with my Wattpad friends and family. <3 <3


@Indianwriter okk ...o understand's all right..get well soon .. . I just hope that you will be able to complete your story . 


@prakriti0408 Thank you so much! I am really honoured to hear that. I hope I am able to write again soon! Please continue supporting me. 


@Dreamer951 Thank you so much! I am trying to write again but it's my final year in college so, time consuming and also, I have been having health issues. I really miss writing and it makes me sad that I haven't been able to do what I love so much. :(