
Hi, I'd really appreciate it if you would check out my first attempt at spoken poetry ☺️. 


@InevitableOblivion I thought it was really good :)


this message may be offensive
@Hazzaluvsboo_ If I had to wait for someone to show me they love me, I would have waited forever. People treat me like shit most of the time, and my brother tells me I am ugly and fat every single day. I have never gotten a lot of affection from my mom, only from my dad but then he cheated on my mom. Boys have always called me names and I have NEVER been good enough. In fact: yesterday was the first time a boy ever called me pretty (I am 16). Please don't tell me I don't understand, because I do. Shit, I do. it tires you out, it destroys you, it tears you apart. But here is the thing : the only reason we can't see other people loving us, is because we don't love ourselves. You are a human being, made up of bones, blood, tissue and people DO love you, it is you who doesn't love yourself. Bby, you have every right to live and there are many reasons for you to live. So instead of giving up, go find those reasons ❤️. 


@Hazzaluvsboo_ Actually you shouldn't because there are way more people who care about you than you know. I, too, am struggling with suicidal thoughts and self harm, and my  parents have no idea, no one has actually. And then suddenly my dad said that I was loved my more people than I thought. 
          People are stupid for not showing it, I know, but it doesn't mean they don't care about you.
          So please don't give up ?
          Life isn't what you wanted it to be, but it is all you got and you have the power to turn things all around. So it is really up to you if you end the book or write another chapter. Just know that many love your book and many would hate for it to end.