
Hello, Potterheads!
          	We wish a happy belated to our King, Ronald Weasly! Who celebrated their 44th birthday on March 1st!
          	And today, we are happy to announce that our very own kooky Professor Trelawney celebrates her birthday today... This clever Ravenclaw not only aided the Golden Trio in discovering the Grim, but also shared the prophecy on who will defeat the Dark Lord!
          	Here's our QOTW for you: Which Ronald Weasly AND Professor Trelawney moment was your favorite and why?
          	Leave your answers in the comments below and don't forget to wish them both a magical birthday!


@slytherco21 this has me cackling, best thing she ever did 


@IntoThePotterverse the one where trelawney gives everyone extra homework because Ron asked if he could have a look at Lavender's anus


Hello, Potterheads!
          We wish a happy belated to our King, Ronald Weasly! Who celebrated their 44th birthday on March 1st!
          And today, we are happy to announce that our very own kooky Professor Trelawney celebrates her birthday today... This clever Ravenclaw not only aided the Golden Trio in discovering the Grim, but also shared the prophecy on who will defeat the Dark Lord!
          Here's our QOTW for you: Which Ronald Weasly AND Professor Trelawney moment was your favorite and why?
          Leave your answers in the comments below and don't forget to wish them both a magical birthday!


@slytherco21 this has me cackling, best thing she ever did 


@IntoThePotterverse the one where trelawney gives everyone extra homework because Ron asked if he could have a look at Lavender's anus


Attention, Potterheads!
          We wanted to make an announcement in regards to some news to the account.
          Due to certain changes, WattpadPotterverse is no longer part of the Ambassadors program and will operate under a team of independent users, and we will now be officially known as IntoThePotterverse!
          The profile will continue to host its usual magical qotws, but do keep your portkey or some floo powder close as we'll bring about some fun activities in the future! We hope to keep the magic and love for the Potterverse alive and we're excited to begin this new journey. As always, we appreciate your support all these years and encourage you to continue participating in future activities!
          If you have any questions or suggestions, please comment down below! We would love to hear from all of you!


@TEZofAllTrades this is the 3rd profile I follow that it’s happened to


@IntoThePotterverse fairytales say hello to Dr. Snape


This seems to be happening to multiple Ambassador run accounts, but none are sharing what the “certain circumstances” are. Can you share?


Hello Potterheads!
          Have you ever wanted to work with animals? Or magical animals? Today we're celebrating the 127th birthday of magizoologist Newt Scamander - who worked with magical animals! 
          He's known as the Hufflepuff who was expelled from Hogwarts after taking the fall for a close friend but is more famously known as the author of 'Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them' and is the great-grandfather to Luna Lovegood's twin boys, Lysander and Lorcan. 
          So here is our QOTW for you: Which Newt Scamander moment is your favorite and why?
          Leave your answers in the comments below and don't forget to wish Newt Scamander a very magical birthday!


@WattpadPotterverse happy birthday Newt
            When he looks at the niffler in the jewelry shop 
            His expression literally reads *are you being fr*


@WattpadPotterverse All moments! Newt is my favourite wizard of all time!!!


Hello Potterheads!
          The whimsical and the creative. The open-minded and the spontaneous. These are a few words to describe Luna Lovegood, our favorite bubbly Ravenclaw. A witch with great imagination and uniqueness, we are happily celebrating her 42nd birthday today! After the war, she became a Magiczoologist. She would later get married into the Scamander family and had twin boys with her husband Rolf at which point became a Hogwarts Professor teaching Field Studies - the art of studying and interacting with magical creatures in the wild.
          So here is our QOTW for you: Which Luna Lovegood moment is your favorite and why?
          Leave your answers in the comments below and don't forget to wish Luna Lovegood (Scamander) a very magical birthday!


@WattpadPotterverse Happy Birthday Luna!!
            "Things we lose have a way of coming back to us in the end, if not always in the way we expect."


@WattpadPotterverse HAPPY BIRTHDAY LUNA
            “Your just as sane as I am,”


@WattpadPotterverse Happy birthday Luna! 
            "You're just as sane as I am" and "All my shoes have mysteriously disappeared"


Calling all Potterheads, 
          Do you write magical stories that are inspired by the Potterverse? If yes, how about giving it a chance to be featured by us? Our reading list submission is currently open and ready to receive any stories. Be sure to submit your stories correctly, and be careful of those owls; they sometimes get lost or bump into windows. 
          Check out our profile guidebook to know more:


Hello Potterheads!
          Today we are wishing a belated Happy Birthday to the one and only Arthur Weasley! Our very own muggle fanatic, Arthur would be celebrating his 74th birthday surrounded by his seven children, and many grandchildren!
          Known as a very devoted wizard, this pure-blood held integrity over all else. Taking pride in his job in the Misuse of Muggle Artifacts Office. And after a hard day of work, he'd return and retire to the Burrow.
          A place that was considered a home to many more than just his family.
          Now then, for our QOTW, what is your favorite Arthur Weasley quote OR scene?
          Leave your answers in the comments below and don't forget to wish Mr.Weasley a very magical birthday!


@WattpadPotterverse Happy Belated Birthday Arthur! My favourite is, of course, him not realising Harry was at the table. Until he did. 


@WattpadPotterverse One of my favorite Arthur Weasley quotes is from "Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets" when he exclaims, "Ah, yes, Harry, the Chamber of Secrets. A room well worth not entering. Except, of course, you have a fondness for dying." It perfectly captures Arthur's unique blend of curiosity, humor, and nonchalance, making him such an endearing character in the Harry Potter series.


@WattpadPotterverse happy birthday arthur! My fav scene is in chamber of secrets. When he congratulates Ron for stealing the invisible car to save harry, but then immediately changes his tone and berates him, after seeing Molly's disapproval LOL


Hello Potterheads!
          A mother's love and sacrifice knows no bounds. This mother is no exception as she gave her life to save her beloved son and today we are celebrating what would have been Lily Potter's 64th birthday!
          A brilliant brave witch, she married James Potter and joined the Order of Phoenix where she bravely defied Lord Voldemort to the day she died. During her time at Hogwarts, Lily showed proficiency in Potions and stood up to bullies who picked on her childhood friend, Severus Snape thus defying the odds of Slytherin/Gryffindor friendships. 
          Although we never really met Lily Potter in the movies or the books, we would still like to share a QOTW with you in honor of her birthday: If Lily Potter had lived, which profession would you think she would have entered and why?
          Leave your answers in the comments below and don't forget to wish Lily Potter a very magical birthday!


@WattpadPotterverse If Lily Potter had survived, envisioning her potential profession is an intriguing speculation. Given her strong sense of love, loyalty, and bravery as portrayed in the "Harry Potter" series, one could imagine Lily excelling in a profession that involves nurturing and protecting others. Perhaps she would have pursued a career in magical law, fighting for justice within the wizarding world.
            Alternatively, considering her magical abilities and the importance of family in her life, Lily might have delved into magical research or potion-making, contributing her skills to advancements in healing or protective spells. Her character traits suggest a path aligned with making a positive impact on the magical community.
            Ultimately, the possibilities are endless, but it's likely that Lily would have chosen a profession that allowed her to channel her strengths toward making the wizarding world a better and safer place for her family and others. HBD Lily Potter...


@WattpadPotterverse happy birthday Lily!
            I think she would have been a healer 


@WattpadPotterverse First and foremost, happy birthday to Lily Potter! And if she were still alive, I think she would have been a Potions or Herbology professor.


Hello Potterheads!
          "Let me introduce you to your new Defence Against the Dark Arts Teacher... Me! Gilderoy Lockhart, Order of Merlin, Third Class, Honourary Member of the Dark Force Defence League, and five-time winner of Witch Weekly's Most Charming Smile Award - but I don't talk about that. I didn't get rid of the Bandon Banshee by smiling at her!" - Gilderoy Lockhart introducing himself during his first Defence Against the Dark Arts class.
          Fame got to Gilderoy Lockhart quite terribly. A wizard famous for recounting achievements through various books, he would later teach at Hogwarts to get close to Harry Potter and increase his fame as luck would have it, his lies were revealed and he paid the price via a broken wand and a memory charm. Nevertheless, today we celebrate his 60th birthday! 	
          Here's our QOTW for you: Which Gilderoy Lockhart moment was your favorite and why?
          Leave your answers in the comments below and don't forget to wish Gilderoy Lockhart a magical birthday!


@WattpadPotterverse When Hermione spotted Lockhart in St Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries. There was a striking contrast between his current state and his former self. It was humorous to me.


@WattpadPotterverse One of the memorable and humorous moments involving Gilderoy Lockhart occurs in "Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets." Lockhart, known for his self-promotion and boasting about his supposed heroic deeds, attempts to erase Harry and Ron's memories using a spell. However, his spell backfires due to Ron's damaged wand, resulting in Lockhart suffering from memory loss himself.
            This turn of events adds a comedic element to Lockhart's character, highlighting the irony of his attempt to erase others' memories only to lose his own. The incident showcases J.K. Rowling's skill in incorporating humor into the darker themes of the series.


This man constitutes the single biggest blemish on Ravenclaw House.
            Answer: Who is Gilderoy Lockhart?
            …but everything that man did in the series was iconic, so we love him anyway. (The pixies were easily his best moment.)


Calling all Potterheads, 
          Do you write magical stories that are inspired by the Potterverse? If yes, how about giving it a chance to be featured by us? Our reading list submission is currently open and ready to receive any stories. Be sure to submit your stories correctly, and be careful of those owls; they sometimes get lost or bump into windows. 
          Check out our profile guidebook to know more:


Hello Potterheads!
          Had he survived the Battle of Hogwarts, Severus Snape would have seen his 64th birthday. A wizard who held secrets in his sleeves, he worked as a double agent for Albus Dumbledore. His legacy too was stained with blood. He lost the woman he loved, taught the child of his enemy and watched the child of his enemy grow into a young man, forced to kill the man who trusted him most, and got caught in the crossfire of a madman bent on power. 
          There's a lot to pack into the character of Severus Snape. Some love him while some hate him. So here is our QOTW for you today: Which Severus Snape moment was your favorite and why?
          Leave your comments below and don't forget to wish Professor Snape a magical birthday!


            “Yes sir”
            There is no need to call me sir Professor”
            That’s the funniest part of the franchise in HBP


@WattpadPotterverse "I have spied for you, and lied for you, put myself in mortal danger for you. Everything was supposed to be to keep Lily Potter's son safe. Now you tell you have been raising himn like a pig for slaughter?"


@ WattpadPotterverse  Severus is my favorite character from the story! My favorite scenes are Severus' memories. 