
WOW! Hello there, my wonderful followers. I was resurrected from my hiatus from a lovely commenter on one of my fics and I'd like to let everyone know that I'm back to writing again, and I'll get something out as soon as I can that will probably be The Host related. I got a lot more reads from that fandom and many demands for a continuation, so I'll definitely try and get something out for that (: Thank you for still following me even though I've been gone for about two years.


WOW! Hello there, my wonderful followers. I was resurrected from my hiatus from a lovely commenter on one of my fics and I'd like to let everyone know that I'm back to writing again, and I'll get something out as soon as I can that will probably be The Host related. I got a lot more reads from that fandom and many demands for a continuation, so I'll definitely try and get something out for that (: Thank you for still following me even though I've been gone for about two years.


Ayyyyeeeee. Well, your work is absolutely amazing! I would greatly appreciate it if you would read my fanfic and possibly give me some advice. I know this isn't really interesting to know but, we have the same name lol. Have a nice day:)


Hey guys, so I'm going to be on a 3-day camping field trip for my school (fml) so I won't be able to update. However, I'd like to thank everyone that has liked my new fic "Letters From Utopia" and I'm dearly sorry I'm going to have to keep you waiting after you've only read the prologue... I hope you don't erase it from your mind completely before I update again /: love you all! xx


A sneak peek from my upcoming fic (a thank you to my amazing fans) :
          "Louis, when did you start caring what people thought? When have you ever stopped to think that you're not the person that everyone wants you to be? When has this relationship ever been about making plans of when we're supposed to see each other? When did it start becoming more "secret" than real? You know that things have caught on fire and all you're doing is feeding the flames. You don't know how much I've held back my feelings every single day just because I was worried about what would happen to the band. So don't just sit there and brush my feelings off like they don't matter. Get off your arse and do something, because I'm not going to stand here waiting for you forever."