
I know this month's been slow... It's been exactly one year ago today since my grandfather died. I'm... not myself this month. I'm sorry about that. It's almost 4 am where I am and I can't sleep knowing that today... today will be the first time I visited his grave since his funeral. Sure, my father and grandmother visited some time after, but they did not take me. This time, I asked outright to go, and I'm... yeah, my mental is a mess.


@JHStories101 i dont know if my words well count to anything but for me i never get the chance to meet my grandparents ofc i meet them as a baby but once i become aware of everything around me it was allready too late im even stuck with my family in my country unable to go back to my home country were all my realitive are my uncules and auntiys are all in my home countery and i never once in my whole life meet them face to face only through video calls. But the times i would video call them is allways fun. It balance out the fact i never got the chance to meet my grandparents with meeting my auntiys and uncules and cousins. But despite that i still charish my limited memories i had with my grandparents bc i barly remember my grandpa carrying me around and playing with me while my grandma would crass my hair and relax with me until i sleep. What im trying to say is that you should never forget the lessons huge kisses and comfort he brought to you instead of remembering the fact that hes no longer here anymore. You can think of it as him going on a very long and slow trip. Think of him in joy and happyins not sad longing. Remember that he would allways love you and be there for you in every step you take 


          	  I know he was, and your welcome. That’s the spirit! (੭ ˊ^ˋ)੭ ❤️❤️❤️


I’m sorry if intruding too much but do you plan on updating your encanto story? Hope you’re doing alright btw I love all your stories so much<333


@JHStories101 lol you don’t have to apologize for replying late I swear! Take all the time you need, I was just hoping you didn’t drop it thanks so much!!


@Z0mboieHkitty I'm sorry for the late reply. Yes, I do plan to update it. It's taking time because of writer's block, but not because I have nothing planned for it. I mapped out Aletia's whole life, it's just the in between things that are taking so much time to write out. I can't go from point A to C without B.


Hi! I just wanted to say that I love the small comic parts of the tfp fiction. How long do they normally take to draw?


Got to admit,I love the one with Rachet in, IT WAS SO CUTE!
            but only asking, I promise I'm not nagging!  And I'm sorry if it comes off as pushy. But will you update the book?


@NoPlanForLife When I have a clear idea, maybe two days' worth of sketching, placement, and overall coloring. When I'm thinking of something off the top of my head, an idea for another chapter, a few more days worth of pondering. Some take longer than others, though, but that's my minimum ONLY when I'm not busy with other things.


Can I ask you a question please 


@starwars582 I want to, yes, with a plot between the two.


@JHStories101 in your avatar Book do you plan to go all the way to Legend of Korra


Last time you posted a chapter i got so hyped thet i got up and studied chemistry and now it's 9 days till my final week and the first exam is chemistry and i think i need my energy boost 
          ( Take your time of course I'm just joking but i just wanted to share this because i loved how just one notification got me so hyped up ) love your books and art so much 


@Hamsaw Thank you, and good luck!


I know this month's been slow... It's been exactly one year ago today since my grandfather died. I'm... not myself this month. I'm sorry about that. It's almost 4 am where I am and I can't sleep knowing that today... today will be the first time I visited his grave since his funeral. Sure, my father and grandmother visited some time after, but they did not take me. This time, I asked outright to go, and I'm... yeah, my mental is a mess.


@JHStories101 i dont know if my words well count to anything but for me i never get the chance to meet my grandparents ofc i meet them as a baby but once i become aware of everything around me it was allready too late im even stuck with my family in my country unable to go back to my home country were all my realitive are my uncules and auntiys are all in my home countery and i never once in my whole life meet them face to face only through video calls. But the times i would video call them is allways fun. It balance out the fact i never got the chance to meet my grandparents with meeting my auntiys and uncules and cousins. But despite that i still charish my limited memories i had with my grandparents bc i barly remember my grandpa carrying me around and playing with me while my grandma would crass my hair and relax with me until i sleep. What im trying to say is that you should never forget the lessons huge kisses and comfort he brought to you instead of remembering the fact that hes no longer here anymore. You can think of it as him going on a very long and slow trip. Think of him in joy and happyins not sad longing. Remember that he would allways love you and be there for you in every step you take 


            I know he was, and your welcome. That’s the spirit! (੭ ˊ^ˋ)੭ ❤️❤️❤️


          i love your history are great.
          Do you like Koukou No Rettousei and Saint Seiya?


tell me if you liked the new saint seiya or mahouka x oc story?


which one do you like?