
Hello, all! I know it's been quite a while since you've seen anything from me. I truly apologize. . .things have been more than a little tough for the past several months. I ended up losing my home, and the struggle to get my life back in order hasn't left me with much time or energy for writing. I promise you all, Tom's story is far from over, and I will continue as soon as I can.


Hello, all! I know it's been quite a while since you've seen anything from me. I truly apologize. . .things have been more than a little tough for the past several months. I ended up losing my home, and the struggle to get my life back in order hasn't left me with much time or energy for writing. I promise you all, Tom's story is far from over, and I will continue as soon as I can.


Chapter 7 of Out Of The Fire, Into the Flames is VERY much in the works. It's taking a bit longer than I wanted, as I just started a new job. But I promise, it's coming very soon, and will be a change of pace from chapter 6, which took a decidedly dark turn (a necessary one, at that). Eyes peeled!


@Monrosey My pleasure. Let's just say there are a few people on this site who's opinion of literature mean a great deal to me. And, if certain people are good enough for THEM to follow, then I should probably do the same.
          And thank you. Be warned: This isn't your average zombie fare. It merges humor and horror, switching freely between the two. My initial idea, before the story itself developed, was "Smartass survives the apocalypse." Another aspect that I feel sets it apart from some other post apocalyptic fiction is that the zombies are not the main antagonist, but rather the setting. Nobody's looking for a cure, or rebuilding society, or trying to regroup and erradicate them. They just ARE. They're a sad fact of life at this point, like jury duty. Still a major threat, but...meh. What are you gonna do?
          I hope you enjoy it.


I'm certain I will enjoy it. 
            And as far as certain authors who happen to be following me - it is just dumb luck on my part. However, I am very grateful for their choice to do so!
            Thanks again, I have followed you in return because I am amused by your obviously twisted wit - a characteristic I have always found very appealing. ;)
            Good luck to you!