
On April 15th, I'm going to have a really cool surprise for you here, so keep an eye on the page. =D


@JLArmentrout  I know why you used Jensen... Because, Ackles, my baby. Supernatural <3




@JLArmentrout Wait what was the surprise?


Divulgo, Minha segunda história aqui no Wattpad, estaria grata se passasse por lá desde então!
          "Lá estava eu, sentada ao lado do homem mais rico do país.." 
          Será que a S/N conseguirá seguir em frente com esse casamento forçado?
          BOA LEITURA!


Hi Jen, first of all I love you and all your work, second of all, pls I need extras form the titan saga, I'll do anything to know a little more, like If Alex and Aiden meet Seth and Josie's baby, or if they become parents, a little more about lion breeding. I swear the universe of covenant/titan are my safe place in the world, thanks for everything, I enjoy my life a little more after I know your books <3


No sabía que estabas en wattpad!!! La verdad no se si leas este mensaje y peor si está en español, la cuestión es que yo amo tu libros!! Empecé con la saga de sangre y cenizas y juro que desde ahí no puedo con tus libros, hasta tuve un bloqueo por qué los demás que leía ya no me llamaba la atención quería libros como los tuyos jajaja, en fin sólo digo que amo como escribes, amo a tus personajes y amo tus libros!!!


Am I the only one who didn’t know that Jenn had wattpad lol? It just made my day I wanna cry. The lux series are my favorite books in the world and here’s like extra scenes?! I’m so happy right now 


Hi Jennifer! I just want to tell you that I love your books. But you made me fall more in love with Luc in his spin-off, thanks for that. If it's not a bother, when will we hear about the next one? Just don't forget about him, please! Thank you for bringing us wonderful stories. And I know I already said it but please, please don't forget about Luc!