
I never thought it would happen. Never ever thought I'd get ONE THOUSAND READS ON NEKOPARA!!! Thank you all so much! I love you guys! I've got another chapter in the works just for this. 


I know I haven't published or updated anything in a while, and for that, I apologize. But I have noticed that NekoPara has gained more than 200 views!!! I think each and every one of my followers and readers. It really means a lot to me. I've been (slowly) working on a handful of writings during my absence, and I truly hope to get at least one of them out to you guys very shortly.
          Thank you all so much for your continued support,


I've been doing a lot of writing lately, and I've published four new pieces. I say pieces only because one is a long paragraph, one is a paper that I had to write for my English class (I only published it because I like it, and I feel that it's one of the best things I've written thus far), another is a bunch of lore, and the last and latest one is a teaser that is preceding a new novel that I'm working on. If you guys get a moment to look at even just one of these writings, it would mean so much to me! It is Christmas, after all, and that would be a great present for me. 
          Thank you so much guys,


Hey guys! I know it's been a little while since I put something out, but I just published a new story. "Third Time's the Charm?" is the name of the book. It's an assignment my class had in English class, and I chose to write about me moving on from one crush I had to a new one. I think I'll be updating this either everyday, or every few days, as more things happen that I can write about. But check it out if you get a chance, and please feel free to vote and comment! It really helps me out! Thanks!


Hey guys! Just wanted to let you all know that "Taking Tours", the eleventh chapter of my novel, "NekoPara", has just been published! I have been trying to get back into writing more of it lately. I tried to get it out last night, but I couldn't quite get it out. If you get a moment, please consider reading it. It would mean a lot to me! Thanks!