
Now we have an editing issue. Somehow we have duplicated the chapter  Kalico 1, Amy: Making the Team.
          	The first one listed is the most recently updated.
          	But is there something left out from the other copy?
          	Also, how did it happen? Apparently it occurred when I corrected for the messed-up paragraphs.


@JamJanSand Oh well we can be patient. I kinda THOUGHT there might be a missing chapter? but so many things are changed vs the Yahoo groups version...


Two issues with organizing Kalico’s story: 
          	  A: The missing chapter. A chapter is missing in Kalico I, just before Kalico departs from the high school for her first lunch at The Glory Hole Restaurant. The missing text involves a meeting with the principal. I’ll need to insert a chapter which is not so easy with the Wattpad format. I’m continuing to work on it.
          	  B: The duplicated chapters in Kalico 2. Did I accidentally overwrite a chapter? Which version has the updated editing? I’m sorting that out also. 
          	  – JAM


Has anyone been in touch with Jam since early 2020?  I'm starting to get more than a little worried about her.  I have archives of the old Yahoo Group stuff, heck at this point I might be the only person left with it.


Dear author
          I absolutely loved your piece of writing Kalico and NiS programme book. I realised many of doubts regarding phenomenon of Hypnosis itself. I hope I can get answers(to comments I have posted within book Kalico 1) sometime in future but I also gained a whole new level of understanding of how consciousness, mind and hypnosis work. This is stunning piece of work which kept me engaged for a long time and even made me do searches on net a lot of times to get better understanding of Hypnosis concept. I have never gained such a strong surge to read about something in years(despite being in field of Science and my recently lack of interest in almost everything) So first 
          Second I hope you would answer some of my Q's in novel or answer back to this comment because I am simply a big fan of yours or you would listen to this fan's request to keep this story posted for years because I wish to read it again and again or refer to others interested to  read it and if that is not possible then can I get a copy of your books for my own reading(note this is absolutely no trick to get your work illegally published under me) Pretty Please.
          Also in my excitement, I pretty much filled your entire story with commentary and my comments because I just couldn't stop myself but I am proud of one thing that most likely more than half of comments or probably person with most comments and praise on your story will remain me for a long time
          Thanks a lot for story. I hope you would not get angry at any of my comments. Sorry for it.


I am seriously impressed by your Complex style of writing story of Psychology Class of Natasha and Dorothy. Seriously man It gave me goosebumps but I don't know whether story written here was intended to be this long or is incomplete. Also I want to ask a serious question mentioned in story again:
          Is it really possible to get hypnotized without you knowing at all or I mean without your conscious consent(as it is in Hypnosis Card Story too I mean you must allow yourself to be hypnotized don't you?) as mentioned in this story?


Loved the concept of the hypnosis card.   Reminds me of something done on the tv show mindfreak by Criss Angel at a hotel in Vegas.   Luke Jermay I believe helped him to write the note.    It was placed on a table and the whole restaurant of patrons started dropping into hypnosis.    Great concept for a story.   I hope you're able to write more.    Your writing is very compelling.


Now we have an editing issue. Somehow we have duplicated the chapter  Kalico 1, Amy: Making the Team.
          The first one listed is the most recently updated.
          But is there something left out from the other copy?
          Also, how did it happen? Apparently it occurred when I corrected for the messed-up paragraphs.


@JamJanSand Oh well we can be patient. I kinda THOUGHT there might be a missing chapter? but so many things are changed vs the Yahoo groups version...


Two issues with organizing Kalico’s story: 
            A: The missing chapter. A chapter is missing in Kalico I, just before Kalico departs from the high school for her first lunch at The Glory Hole Restaurant. The missing text involves a meeting with the principal. I’ll need to insert a chapter which is not so easy with the Wattpad format. I’m continuing to work on it.
            B: The duplicated chapters in Kalico 2. Did I accidentally overwrite a chapter? Which version has the updated editing? I’m sorting that out also. 
            – JAM


Just to let you know, minor editing with Amy: Introduction and Amy: Pink Panties & Naked Dawn. I changed some fonts to boldface and inserted sentences for grandpa to attend one of Amy’s naked sunrise events.  – Jam


@Kairu_Hakubi Thank you. Maybe I  should go back and read it again, too.


@JamJanSand That's worth a reread!


Good morning.  I don't want to be a pest, so I restrained myself until it had been a month since the last update, lol.  I hope that was long enough.  How's it coming along?


@JusJon67 Hi there. I'm making progress. However, I've been working through some personal issues, plus dealing with Yahoo sabotaging its Groups.  I'll probably move most of my email actively from Yahoo, because Groups was the reason I was there.