
Merry christmas everyone... my present to you all for christmas!


Thank you sooooo much 


@Jambooty AHHHH TYTYTY I’m so excited:))


Thank you~ *-*


Hii author, hope u'll see this message. I am new to ur books and currently reading siren and I like it a lot. I like the way u write, not many people can write and convey the story properly. Through ur messages at the end of chapters I got to know u love interacting with readers so, I hope we can be friends, I always want to interact with authors. Btw I am from India. If u see this message, please reply if u can.


hiii i hope ure ok and i hope u’ll see this message!! which ill have to write here cus wattpad sadly removed private messages…anyways, i was wondering if u’d give me permission to translate ur story “locked up” in italian! i looooove that short fic and im 100% sure my italian fellas would really love it too, ofc u’d have all the credits i’d just do the translation! also it’s totally okay if ure not comfortable w it, either way hope u’ll see this and let me know~~ 


i totally understand!! thank u for replying~~


@iloveshotaro Hey! Thank you for the sweet message! Sadly I no longer allow translations because I lost track of which stories I already got requests of to be translated into which languages!
            Once again thank you for showing interest tho!


the only reason i haven't deleted this godforsaken app yet is bcs of you and your works.. i really love all of them and you're my favorite ff author of all time. it could be a personal preference or maybe bcs my mother language is german as well but your writing style is so appealing to me and even though i've read tons of amazing ffs including some by people who studied english literature, yours are the ones i forget least about and always come back to.


@yoongi_eating_mochi It's always so sweet seeing you in my comment section!


@yoongi_eating_mochi This is very sweet>.< thank you very much! It makes me rlly happy to hear!


Hello dear Leni I hope you are well! 
          With finishing Prejudices yesterday, I now read all of your stories - finally! Some of them several times already like my All time favorite “rich kid”. I can't wait to get my hands on your next project, in a metaphorical sense! 
          Ich liebe es in deine Geschichten abzutauchen und mit ihrer Hilfe ein wenig dem Alltag zu entfliehen! Dafür wollte ich dir von Herzen danken  was du geschaffen hast, bedeutet vielen Menschen sehr viel! 
          Like I said, I hope you are well and enjoy the beautiful spring weather! ☀️
          I hope to hear from you soon again ! Lot’s of love 


@Jambooty yessss Wattpad is super mean sometimes ! 


@Jambooty great !!! Do you already have some ideas for new projects ? ❤️


@Melinabkp And wattpad is evil like that with smileys TT


this message may be offensive
Hey leni... i seriously am in love with your stories... im fucking addicted and i just dont wanna read anything else now because its just never gonna be as amazing as your stories... im just rereading everything at the moment. Just finished Prejudices for the 2nd time, and i just really loved it. With your stories i dont even have to care about which members its about because its amazing anyways. Perfect example is Pup, never thought id ever read a yoonkook fanfic but now its one of my favs... 
          I was just kinda hoping youre still alive? I really hope you are tho, that youll be back in a while. Id love that, im too excited for Friendly Kisses, but i cant start reading it now because i absolutely hate reading unfinished stories tbh, but im really willing to wait until youve finished this one.
          I have another question tho. Cuz Vampires Bite, Isolation and Deadly Charm are names of books you called out in your "shameless self-promotions" and A/N notes... do they still exist? Are they renamed? Pls explain bc thats the only part of your entire profile+stories im confused about...
          And i miss & love you, pls just say hi when youre back bc irritating not attention-paying me might not notice
          Im dutch and we have to learn german gor school... i still dont learn anything but the fact that youre german makes me wanna learn it better... i know how to read some german but i can barely translate any real words... schmetterling is still a funny word tho even tho theyre beautiful
          Anyways imma say bye now, i might still come back (high chance) but probably see you later! Tschüs! (did i spell that right? :(( )


            Its okay, i was just wondering where they were. Do you still have the mood boards and the description parts? Itd be so great if you could post those as books but just add that you couldnt finish it. That way you also wont be having anyone else asking for them... i jist finished rereading every book and i once again loved all of them! The only sad part about rereading is that i already know whats gonna happen, but even thats okay bc i love it anyways.
             Yesterday i went to an amusement park and i saw some gigantic plushies. One of them was a brown wolf and that instantly made me think of Pup so i wanted it! Sadly my parents didnt allow me to get it but if i got it i would be thinking of you everytime i saw it.
            Btw do you have any idea when you'll be continuing Friendly Kisses? I really want to read that too but i wont for now bc i hate waiting for new chapters...maybe i will though
            Anyways, thank you! I seriously love you and your stories so much!


@7rosalie2680 Reading all of this made me rlly happy! Especially the part about not caring about which ship it is, because I personally rlly love having a variation of different relationships and dynamics in my stories!
            In regards to your question there are a couple of unfinished stories I took down because I sadly knew I wasn't going to be finishing them, even tho I loved their concept :-:


@JustGoToSleepNow I need to start checking the message board more often too... ive just never had any author who ive liked as much as i do with her right now... so i need to get used to that. 
            You two seem to have such a cute and funny relationship


hey people, i watched the film yesterday!! (suga the the movie) and it was so hyped and jimin's voice in tony montana slayed. i got to see jungkook forget his first line (there's someone in the mirror that u don't know) in full hd and his lil smile when he forgot :)). i still remember yoongi's THIS.IS.GALAXY holding a fans phone. A TO THE G TO THE U TO THE STD is now stuck in my head. also storytime: so im a moarmy yeah? and when yoongi was introducing his band members he said: 'bass YEONJUNNN' and bitch i was like ' YEONJUN WHERE MY BABY ARENT U SUPPOSED TO BE PROMOTING TOMORROW AND STUFF??' (ppl who don't stan txt, yeonjun is the rEsPeCtEd hyung (the oldest)) but it turns out it was another yeonjun :((