
I’ve begun doing the final edits of You Can’t Hurry Love. All that’s going to change is me fixing a few grammatical errors so don’t worry about the storyline changing if you’ve already begun reading it :) 


Hello there! I just found your book and I enjoy reading it. Do you have instagram or facebook? I would love to follow your social media if you don't mind, thanks!


@delightedheart98  Hi! You've actually just given me the final push I needed to start up an Instagram for my writing as I've been deliberating it for a while...so thank you for that <3 
            My page is @jasminevessey.writer and it would mean the world if you followed me on there.
            Hope you're good 
            Jasmine x


You Can’t Hurry Love is now finished. New chapters will be coming to you super fast so the entire book is ready for you to read. Keep an eye out! And any comments would be awesome as I’m still pretty new to this!! Hope you enjoy it :) 


Hello Jazzles! Thanks for adding so many of my books to your reading list. Much appreciated. Best wishes, Emma


@Jazzles1108 thank you! I'm glad you're enjoying them.


@SavvyDunn You’re welcome! I’m making my way through the series. I think it’s great! :) 