
Hello  Author-chan Can you do me a favor? (Don't laugh at my idea )
          Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Yandere x Shy reader 
          The reader is a girl with unparalleled angelic beauty. She was very beautiful, like angels and God, and everyone who looks at her falls for her, and her beautiful, sweet beauty, whether a girl or a boy, will find themselves loving her obsessively and madly because of her angelic beauty. She is very stupid, naive, and very tolerant, although she also cries a lot. She is very short 
          One day, as she was returning home, she was surrounded by a drunken man and began to cry and struggle to be saved. 
          And someone saves her, but he is... a turtle?? She wasn't really afraid, but she was amazed 
          What will our sweet heroine do after the Yandere female and male characters become obsessed with her and also sanctify her from the first sight and want her for them at any cost, and their obsession develops every time they see her? 
          If you don't mind  have a nice day 


@user17792597 Not an inconvenience. Be careful with anime though. A lot of what it shows/portrays is not cohesive with the Bible's teachings.


@Jeepgirl173 Oh I'm so sorry!! I didn't mean to insult my Lord either Don't worry, your words didn't offend me.In any way.. Rather, I apologize to you greatly because I disturbed you!! + I am not a lesbian in reality, I just love all the characters in the anime, but in reality I am sexually straight, and if I were to get married, I would marry a man So I hope you understand what I'm saying... Sorry for the inconvenience again 
            Have a nice day 


@user17792597 I'm sorry but you might want to find a writer that does that stuff. I do not write anything with bi or gay hints in it. I also don't write anything that considers someone of "godly or angelic" beauty. It's very insulting to the LORD and I'm not willing to take any chances of offending my God with such talk. 
            I have recently become closer to my Lord in our relationship and no longer write things that are on that borderline with the Bible teachings. I've never written things for gay, lesbian or bi. My God has made it clear in multiple texts that such things are sinful and not to be tolerated. I'm sorry if this offends you but I must follow what my God tells me. Have a blessed day.


i have been reading your stuff for a while! but you have a kid and married? i thought you were a teen tbh!


@randomgir675732727 I was a teenager when I first started this book in 2014. My writing style has drastically shifted from this. I look back on my grammar and cringe. Lol.


I hope you baby boy’s ok also i wanna name him … you can name him whatever you want


@Jeepgirl173  Aww! I know how hard it is, there's another little human growing inside. It must feel wonderful to give life <3 Did you pick out a name for her? it's alright if you don't want to tell anybody.


@CGC_14 exhausted and baby is growing by the day. Still have a few months to go in the pregnancy, but I wouldn't trade this feeling for anything. I am so excited to meet our precious little girl.


I know that you said this a really long time ago, but I'm so happy you found that special someone! 


@Jeepgirl173 no problem! Hope you had an amazing day! 


@1vvyyyyy Thank you. We just celebrated our one-year wedding anniversary last week.


I’m so happy for you!! Depression sucks and I’m happy you found that person to help you recover! Best of wishes,


that's great to hear! I'm happy you're happy!


@CupofTae199 Thank you. It was a hell of a ride to get where I am now, but in the long run it was worth it. The man I love wants me for me.


Oh my goodness congratulations I am so happy for you! Even though you went through some rough times I know your happy times outway the bad. I wish you and your fiance the most wonderful marriage and happy life.
          Best wishes,
                    Your fans


@tmnt20122020 Thank you so much. It's been a hell of road to get here, but I went through it all to be who I am and to be perfect for the man I love.


Are you srill gonna post some stories???


@sleepybunsu Who knows what the future holds. I can't see it happening for a while, and I doubt it will be TMNT content. But make sure you're a lovely follower and something may just pop up one of these days!