
Soo... I’ve been thinking, maybe it’s time for me to take a small break on Wattpad and everything, really. 
          	It’s mostly because of myself, my devices, and school. I just kinda need a break from everything, luckily my break is coming soon. I need to kinda, just, get organized, if that makes sense. 
          	So I’m taking a break from practically every online stuff I do, for maybe like a week or more (Not like I’ve been already not very active.). I’ll maybe take a look around once in awhile and see what happened, but that’s it. I guess you could say I’m being on a hiatus.
          	I hope you guys understand. Talk to you in a bit! Bye! 再见! Au revoir! Adiós!  Auf Wiedersehen! до свидания! さようなら (Sayonara)! 


@Jewelsmaddie Okie dokie. See ya later alligator


@Jewelsmaddie Bye! Enjoy your break! :D 


Soo... I’ve been thinking, maybe it’s time for me to take a small break on Wattpad and everything, really. 
          It’s mostly because of myself, my devices, and school. I just kinda need a break from everything, luckily my break is coming soon. I need to kinda, just, get organized, if that makes sense. 
          So I’m taking a break from practically every online stuff I do, for maybe like a week or more (Not like I’ve been already not very active.). I’ll maybe take a look around once in awhile and see what happened, but that’s it. I guess you could say I’m being on a hiatus.
          I hope you guys understand. Talk to you in a bit! Bye! 再见! Au revoir! Adiós!  Auf Wiedersehen! до свидания! さようなら (Sayonara)! 


@Jewelsmaddie Okie dokie. See ya later alligator


@Jewelsmaddie Bye! Enjoy your break! :D 


I’ve been thinking about this decision, and I think I’m ready to post it. 
          So I’m planning to go on a somewhat hiatus. I just kinda want to relax, school, my personal problems, adjusting to a new lifestyle,  etc. It’s just making me a bit stressed. I also want to try to get away from my electronics and just relax my eyes. I also want to strive for really good grades in school. 
          I’m not sure how long my hiatus will last, but I’m thinking about maybe a week or a few weeks. I’m sorry if I feel like I’m going away for so long. I will be checking in I’m every few days or so on Wattpad to see what’s new. 
          So yeah. I’ll see you guys later on. Also I will unpublish my books if it see a upcoming CH raid. 
          - Jewelsmaddie 


@Jewelsmaddie Aight don't worry mate! Take as much as ya need ^^ Your personal life comes before than anything, we'll be waiting once ya come back. For now just relax and take care of yer self. Stay safe! ^^