
If I were to write a dreamie book with 7 female OCs (14 characters total), would you prefer each to get a little intro chapter, or to solely focus on the main character of the series (one of the female OCs)?
          	Also, would y'all want it to be like a dating game? Bc I already have ideal pairings in mind, however, I wouldn't mind basing them off of user's choice.


@Jisungshandcuffs Yes to the first option. Dating game


@SoftRaindrops_16 Thanks sm for the reply <333 It's really difficult to think about how MC will get introduced to all the other characters, so just focusing on her might be good. Also I don't quite understand- yes to there being a dating game, or yes to me making up my own pairings?


@Jisungshandcuffs Although adding all seven females would be cool, I don't want it to become a hassle for you. Maybe keep them but yeah focus on the main girl while still introducing the others role in the story. Also, yes to the dating game. You already plans for it so you should use them!


If I were to write a dreamie book with 7 female OCs (14 characters total), would you prefer each to get a little intro chapter, or to solely focus on the main character of the series (one of the female OCs)?
          Also, would y'all want it to be like a dating game? Bc I already have ideal pairings in mind, however, I wouldn't mind basing them off of user's choice.


@Jisungshandcuffs Yes to the first option. Dating game


@SoftRaindrops_16 Thanks sm for the reply <333 It's really difficult to think about how MC will get introduced to all the other characters, so just focusing on her might be good. Also I don't quite understand- yes to there being a dating game, or yes to me making up my own pairings?


@Jisungshandcuffs Although adding all seven females would be cool, I don't want it to become a hassle for you. Maybe keep them but yeah focus on the main girl while still introducing the others role in the story. Also, yes to the dating game. You already plans for it so you should use them!


The bridgerton season got me squealing and kicking my feet ngl
          It's a crime that we get the rest in July


@Jisungshandcuffs yess!! Gonna start it tonight <3


@Jisungshandcuffs forcing myself to not watch it until exam szn is over rip


Sooo how would we like a fanfic with 7 female OCs alongside the Dreamies? 


@Jisungshandcuffs as long as each is a love interest 


Hi everyone,
          I've been inactive for a while, but I'm starting to write again, so please check out my newest story "Flower Fairy" for some (finally) non-mafia Jisung content! 
          The chapters will come out every Monday and Friday at 5:00 PM CET. This is because I tend to have rushes of inspiration and write 10+ chapters in a couple of days, then I get uninspired and abandon the story for months. So, to avoid that, I'll be schedule-releasing each chapter. I've also increased the average length of my chapters to 2K - 3K words.


Umm so I kinda changed my mind abt how I want Limerence to go soo I might take it down in the next few days :|| 


@ Jisungshandcuffs  Sounds great!! Anything you put out is usually a really fun read so^^


@yayjjjj just took it down, but def will upload it again! I just want to figure out a new storyline!!


@ Jisungshandcuffs  Will you upload it again? ^×^


Umm apologies for not updating the Jaemin fic, been pretty busy haha. I'll try to find inspo to update it.


@ Jisungshandcuffs  Once again thank you for the update, it's an interesting story so far^×^


Not talking abt any current books, but would any of you mind if I put some smut in future books? I’m not talking anything too extensive, jes some stuff for the plot. Myb one day I’ll get bored and add a secret secondary chapter to Lachesism haha