
@MegaxXxMonster thank you:) come downstairs? I appreciate it! I know I'll be okay, I just don't feel the best. You know? Like I can't eat tomorrow, and I'm just a little scared, you know? And you know, I'm barely scared. Merely startled. Just kidding . But thanks<3


@AlwaysMe66  I was joking when I said that, you will have painkillers for after I'd imagine. Your gonna be fine, it's okay to worry, If I was in this situation I'd be locking myself away in some unknown place but your better than me. You can stomach a needle whereas I pass out. I'm not with this kind of stuff but you are stronger than me when it comes to this. You'll do fine, a lot better then I would <3


So, I'm a little nervous. I know I don't send out messages a lot, because I don't post fanfictions, so I don't think theirs a reason I really should. 
          But, I'm telling you guys now, because I don't want to really admit this to anyone, but I'm nervous, and scared. And there's a reason for this. I'm getting surgery tomorrow. It's nothing big, just on my elbow, but it's a rare surgery, and my first. So that makes it bad. And as my sister has made me notice, if I don't like the first one, I still have to get the other arm done too. Yay!
          But, I don't want to really tell anyone I know, I mean, my sister and my best friend might get it, but knowing that other know too. It makes me a little less tense. Thank you for listening actually. 
           oo. Because xx is overused


Everything okay in the end, if it's not okay, it's not the end.    
                                           -Ed Sheeran
          This quote I find says that everything happens for a reason, and will resolve itself in order of how things are supposed to happen, tell me what you think this wonderful quote by Ed Sheern, means. Eddie Shee Shee. Eddie Boy. Ginger god… Whatever you shall call the Brit.  (:


Thanks for fanning! It means a lot! And you don't fan randomly? So did you like my fan-fic's or something? I really think they need work, but if you did, I'm glad you enjoyed them! 
          P.S. Now you're my minion!!!! Mwahahahaha!!!! (I call all my fans/followers minions; one day we'll take over the world and force people to be nice and go outside!)