
Is it weird that I think about the characters from my Master series every day? Literally every day I think about them like they're real. It's like a piece of me wants to write the series all over again. All of my stories are attached to my heart, but that series really did something to my soul. I miss Jasper.


@JosslynWho I think about it a lot too. The series is so good, but so sad


@JosslynWho ❤️❤️❤️ you are awesome 


No it’s not because I still think about them too. And I still cry when I remember what happened to poor Elijah and Neville  


Hi there, I've  just seen one of your post about  the al thing . Just wanted to say that people  are haters. And that those books are master pieces each and every one of them . And that the problem  maker is an ashole , sorry to say that . and  probably  jealousy  they can't  write something  like that and so .. you know.. I love your work and I'm glad you got to publish it. Well-done. 


            Welcome  and really  I'm  one of those  people  who've always  waited for you to load  those chapters .can't  even  tell the first time I started  following  your work.  Just  keep  doing  your  thing. Those books are well written  maybe one day you can even  make a movie. 


@kats002 thank you so much! I really appreciate it ❤️❤️❤️


Hello dello author! How does it goes with book four till now?


Great! Aaaah I'm just so excited!! 《*_*》


@PiaAmmernick i just finished the rewrite and will begin editing, cover should be done next month :)


Are there some story changes in the actual published books? Like only slight changes not major?


@CamreyVEX nvm. Finished and found it lol. And yes, noticeable changes! 
            Theres a moment where jeremiah admits to ...negative tendencies and thoughts/ an attempt. Which solidified the indestructibility of his kind. I noticed that scene no longer exists too, unless thats later events in like bk4 or something.. But anyways cant wait for Jer's story and to see how different it will be since you said you changed all of 4. :>


@CamreyVEX i keep reading and then expecting events and then they dont come. So im not sure if im just thinking too far ahead or if they are revised. XD i have horrible memory!


@CamreyVEX ❤️❤️❤️❤️ thank you, I really felt like that needed to make Julius and Kingston have their love despite all the bad. You hit all the points of their characters perfectly. I even sometimes fantasize about how good Julius was to King. Super sweet and doting husband even with his bat sh!t craziness.
            You'll definitely notice the changes to book 3 (hopefully lol) probably around chapter 7???? Is when the changes really pick up.


Is it weird that I think about the characters from my Master series every day? Literally every day I think about them like they're real. It's like a piece of me wants to write the series all over again. All of my stories are attached to my heart, but that series really did something to my soul. I miss Jasper.


@JosslynWho I think about it a lot too. The series is so good, but so sad


@JosslynWho ❤️❤️❤️ you are awesome 


No it’s not because I still think about them too. And I still cry when I remember what happened to poor Elijah and Neville  


Hey Im just wondering if you will ever repost the tale of two killers back on Wattpad?


@JosslynWho oh alright thanks for replying to me love your books. 


So sorry that there are always people who mess things up for others,  this is fiction , story,s it's no historical truth,  ignore the ones who amusing themself with upsetting people . It's simple ,if they don't like the way you write they should not read it .Its easy to’comment , but if they dont got anything to say nice , they should keep quite .Ignore , don't react , they got pleasure if they can upset you . Why do people like to insult others ?  Well , that's my opinion , keep doing what you like, regards xo


@Anitajanssens I thought it was funny when they really tried to double down on their argument. Don't worry, I swiftly blocked them after giving them a piece of my mind.


this message may be offensive
So, I got accused the other day of using AI to write my stories, and I've never been more offended by something in my whole life. This person was so adament and agressively rude and wouldn't take "No, I did NOT" for an answer. For the people who have followed me on here for years, I know you all can vouch for me not using something as stupid as AI to create my stories.
          What really got me was they accused me of AI based on my sentence structure, i.e. my writing style, how my characters speak during dialogue, and the fact that I referenced Dracula in my Tale of Two Killers book. They TRIED to point out that since my book took place in the 1970s, the characters shouldn't have been able to reference Dracula (the 1992 movie), BUT IF YOU READ THE FUCKING SCENE, I'M REFERENCING THE FUCKING BRAM STOKER BOOK FROM 1897!!!!
          And, of course, when I stated that I've been working on this series for LITERAL YEARS, and they were fucking WRONG about their AI accusation, all they had are insults about my books being stupid, and that I should go back to Wattpad (like Wattpad is a terrible place full of terrible writing).
          I cannot express how much that random and very much hateful interaction made me feel. I ended up blocking them, of course, but biggest fear would be that if this angry person hates me enough (for not fucking reason), they'll try to spread rumors about my series. My books mean so fucking much to me, and I've poured an endless amount of my heart into them, and for something as harmful as AI to be thrown against them really got to me.
          Also, dealing with hateful assholes like that is one of the reasons I feel like I'll always lowkey regret having a much bigger online presence than before. I don't call people fans of mine, because I'm just a regular person who writes as a hobby, and dealing with hate from randos as never really been something I've ever had to deal with.


@JosslynWho im late lol. But your books are awesome and unique. There are always going to be haters, do not fear them. Unlike them you have something going for you and they dont. Simple as that. You have something that makes you special...and they dont. So literally, dont pay any mind to them because WE as real readers know your pouring your heart into these books, THEY ARE SOO GOOD! and its their loss if they dont want to stick around for the journey. HONESTLY! 
            Man, if people like that would learn to just enjoy the world as it is INSTEAD of hating or nitpicking then the world would spin faster.


Hello author! I have little question for the end of the tale of two killers book one, even thoungh it's a little late for this but one thing doesn't get  out of my mind: when Dominik was informed of Hammilton's death, how do you think did he feel? I mean, sure he felt sorry for his father, was angry and wanted getting revenge but what could be his thoughs about hamilton, thinking of how much they disliked each other in the beginning, general I'm really interested in the relationship between them, are they friends or more like father and son or maybe even a little like brothers? Even though, I see no sense in this. I'm just very curios how they would act in a "heart to heart" talk situation or memorizing the past or just talk like buddies but it's really hard to imagen how a privat talk between them would look like if not even knowing the relationship between them, and I've already write too much again, I guess, so I just stop here and hoping for an answer. ^_^


Ah ok, thank you very much! Now I think, I understand it


@PiaAmmernick Hi! Dominick’s relationship with Hamilton is definitely like a reluctant stepson. He respects Hamilton’s involvement with Demi and does essentially love him like family. As a mild spoiler for the new version of book 4, Dominick tells Jeremiah, "If I refer to Hamilton as dad, he'll never let me live it down." So he does love Hami like a stepdad, but he's embarrassed to admit it.


No book for silas....strange


@prideofmyancestors lol idk why but he was the one character out of the Master series I never thought to expand on. I think it may be due to him having passed alongside Elijah in book one. At one point I did think about expanding on Alexander and Wade, (if you got that far and know them) but I never got around to it, oh, also Lucian and Simon.