
Hi everyone, 
          	So I just checked my inbox and it says that I can no longer receive direct messages. I am not sure what that is about...so please message me on here. I did just post an update to Braxton Academy, I would appreciate it if someone could tell me if they can access it (Chapter 43) given this situation. Thank you!!


@KA0827 I can not see chapter 43


so glad you’re back!!


Hi everyone, 
          So I just checked my inbox and it says that I can no longer receive direct messages. I am not sure what that is about...so please message me on here. I did just post an update to Braxton Academy, I would appreciate it if someone could tell me if they can access it (Chapter 43) given this situation. Thank you!!


@KA0827 I can not see chapter 43


so glad you’re back!!


Hi everyone, 
          I am so sorry, I know I promised some updates last month but things have taken quite a turn.. I am working two jobs with an internship and getting ready for the semester to begin in just 2 weeks so I've been extremely busy lately. I will try to provide some updates before the semester begins. 
          Your support and patience means so much to me, and I appreciate all of your thoughts and eagerness to read more! I hope you're all doing well!
          ~ K.A.


@KA0827 Hey there.. I hope you're doing well, No problem please take your time.. best of luck with your studies.. me being recently completed internee I definitely get it how busy you are take care ☺️


hi hope everything goes well take your time!


I just spent the last two hour looking for there’ll be storms because I forgot the name of it. When i finally  found it I realized that I had Braxton Academy in my library the whole time and I didn’t know they were by the same author. i could’ve been done searching so long ago if I would’ve known.  also the whole time i was searching for it i was typing things like “wattpad story about cody and erik” or “wattpad story about cody and his older brother erik and their dad charlie” when i found the book i realized that i had been spelling Eryk wrong the whole time