
          	THE CLAN OF OUTCASTS, SEASON 3--Final Chapter: "Catch A Falling Star..."
          	And here we are at the final chapter of this EXTRA LONG AND TWISTY STORY!! I hope you've enjoyed it all the way through. And if you haven't read it yet, now is a good time to start all the way from the beginning... or even the VERY beginning, at the start of the whole series: https://www.wattpad.com/story/108059534-the-clan-of-outcasts-seasons-1-and-2
          	Picking up where it left off, after Zayra has just slain Mallory and forever tainted the Knife of Polaris with her evilness... but Juros still has a purpose, even for this. Read the chapter to see how it all turns out! 
          	I hope to have a new story for you at some point... but for now, just check out the Reader's Guide for the stories already on here, in case there is one you've missed before!
          	Happy Reading!


          THE CLAN OF OUTCASTS, SEASON 3--Final Chapter: "Catch A Falling Star..."
          And here we are at the final chapter of this EXTRA LONG AND TWISTY STORY!! I hope you've enjoyed it all the way through. And if you haven't read it yet, now is a good time to start all the way from the beginning... or even the VERY beginning, at the start of the whole series: https://www.wattpad.com/story/108059534-the-clan-of-outcasts-seasons-1-and-2
          Picking up where it left off, after Zayra has just slain Mallory and forever tainted the Knife of Polaris with her evilness... but Juros still has a purpose, even for this. Read the chapter to see how it all turns out! 
          I hope to have a new story for you at some point... but for now, just check out the Reader's Guide for the stories already on here, in case there is one you've missed before!
          Happy Reading!


Happy #FanfictionFriday ! 
          Introducing: HOW PETER PAN GREW UP--First Chapter: "Where Margaret Lives and How They Met"
          This fanfiction was sort of an attempt to bridge the "gap" between the way Peter Pan is by the end of the novel's story (and also the 2003 film), and how it was possible for him to become a full-fledged adult and workaholic father in the Spielberg film "Hook." According to this, it has a lot to do with Wendy's daughter Margaret, a level-headed young woman who was already "too old" when Peter remembered to pay a visit to Wendy's house for "Spring Cleaning". This first chapter sets the stage, and gives you a taste of Margaret's view on the whole thing.
          Happy Reading!


          THE CLAN OF OUTCASTS, SEASON 3--Latest Chapter: "The Boy With All The Gifts"
          Leave an upvote if you get the reference of the chapter title! Only a few more chapters now, before it's complete! And then what? I'm thinking of putting a bunch of "first chapters" out in one cover, and whichever gets the most upvotes, that's the one I continue posting. I'm all out of finished ideas, truth be told... so whatever I start posting next will be unfinished. What say you to that? 180 followers, there's bound to be some opinions among you! 
          Anyway, about this week's chapter: As I said, we're getting close to the end. Trevon has reached the Gate... but he can't open it. Sir Roger meets him there--but can an old, grizzled knight speak to the young Gybralltan hidden within the perverted puppet of Mallory's own making? 
          Speaking of Mallory, the defenses of The Roque have given way, and she has gained the object of her own undoing, that is, Polaris' Dagger. What horrors will she be able to accomplish with a Knight of Juros bound to her will? How will they succeed in stopping her now? 
          Happy Reading!


          LOST IN PHANTASM--Final Chapter: "Remember, Always"
          It's the last chapter in this fanfiction, when everything is put to rights, and everything returns exactly the way it was before... Or does it? Will anything ever be the same again for the King of Camelot and his secretly-a-warlock manservant?
          Remember to leave an upvote or a comment to let me know how (or if) you enjoyed this story! ( @AuthorESElias , you can read the whole thing now! :D)
          Meanwhile, I think the next fanfiction I'm going to do is based on Peter Pan--hope you like it! :D
          Happy Reading!


 #WattpadWednesday We're closing in on the finale!!
          THE CLAN OF OUTCASTS, SEASON 3--Latest Chapter: "Bring An End"
          Despite the suggestive title, we're not *quite* to the end just yet! But the skirmishes are slowing down, and the confrontations are much more up-close-and-personal, as Jaran's newfound skill with his lightning Gift inspires Seline with a method of "Gift-boosting" Denahlia and Markus both--and not a moment too soon, as the defenses placed around The Roque seem to be dissipating. The "end" is near... but whose end will it be? 
          Happy Reading!


 #WattpadWednesday Things are getting close to the end! 
          THE CLAN OF OUTCASTS, SEASON 3--Latest Chapter: "Turning Fates"
          If you thought Mallory and Trevon were getting the upper hand last time, you will probably like this one! Guess which ancient Gifted mage is back in action, ready to save everybody? Remember that prophecy that Korsan had? Things are really coming together, aren't they? Azelie discovers something she can do to weaken Mallory's control over her forces, and Damaris is now responsible for getting the Key to safety! Is victory within sight at last? 
          Happy Reading!


 #FanfictionFriday Almost done with this one! And then? What fanfiction should I do next? Do you want to see another Warehouse 13 one? (That I've crossed over with Buffy the Vampire Slayer?) Or Eureka? I might do Peter Pan... but then, I also have some unfinished ones that I could start posting, see if any of them are worth continuing.. What say you all? Followers, sound off!!
          MEANWHILE.... LOST IN PHANTASM--Latest Chapter: "One Last Snatch"
          It's the Final Battle between Merlin and the Phantasmians, versus Pierson the crazed "wizard" and his legions of Underworlders! Can Merlin recover the Phantasmagyth and put everything to rights? Will Arthur survive against an actual werewolf? Read on to find out!
          Happy Reading! Don't forget to cast your vote for what fanfic I should do next!


          THE CLAN OF OUTCASTS, SEASON 3--Latest Chapter: "Lady Two-Bloods"
          This week's installment focuses on Erlis, the dragon-shifter, aka "Lady Two-Bloods" since the "cure" she's had to take to suppress the urge to shift is slowly turning her into an Elf.... But to what end? 
          In the flashback, Erlis discovers the truth behind the tincture Velora retrieved for her through the Forest's recent connection to Elvendom...
          In the present, Erlis battles Trevon's control over her mind and fights to keep Mallory from reading her thoughts and discovering the location of the all-important Key.... Velora finds out about Raedyn's new Gifting, courtesy of Sir Roger/Juros... Do they have what it takes to withstand Queen Mallory? 
          Happy Reading!


          THE CLAN OF OUTCASTS, SEASON 3--Latest Chapter: "Redoubled"
          I hope you'll take the time to read this installment, even though it's a long one! The battle begins, and there are a LOT of moving parts! There are also several references to different points in the first iteration of THE CLAN OF OUTCASTS (Seaons 1 and 2), so if you haven't read that at this point, I strongly recommend it! 
          After the HUGE REVEAL of Sir Roger's true identity, everyone's expecting him to do something amazing in order to defeat Queen Mallory, but what they don't understand is how much he's ALREADY done, using them to seal her fate! But is it enough? Can they keep it together long enough to withstand the Crow Queen's vicious attacks, or will she succeed in keeping them scattered and divided amongst themselves?
          Happy Reading!