
So, I'm reading my old, unfinished books for the Open Novella Contest and books in General. I'm thinking of writing it again and maybe this time I can finish it. Or at least outline it, start then finish. But, I've been having these Writer's blocks or losing inspiration quickly. And I have to start writing again.... Get it out of my head, put it into the page.


So, I'm reading my old, unfinished books for the Open Novella Contest and books in General. I'm thinking of writing it again and maybe this time I can finish it. Or at least outline it, start then finish. But, I've been having these Writer's blocks or losing inspiration quickly. And I have to start writing again.... Get it out of my head, put it into the page.


So.... I did some digging through my books and found 14, unfinished, Open Novella Contest Stories. And, I was surprised but I don't know if I should write them. So, through the years.... Since 2020 through now-I've been trying to join, write and fail; but I'm going to succeed this year. I'm going to give it all I have this year. I'm determined.


@KurokageJS Awwe, thank you so much. And you have this too if you're joining too. ❤️


@Kasey2022 Go for it! You got this. :)


Hey, Everyone!!
          It's Here Again!!! One of my favorite Wattpad Contests; The Open Novella Contest!!! 
          Man, I can't wait until the prompts finally drops!!! Hmmm.... I want to know who's joining this year? I'm going to join this year and I want to commit to it this time. So, for anyone who's reading this, please help me to be accountable. But, right now... I'm trying plan everything out ahead of time; and unfortunately.... Me being sick wasn't in my plans. It's rest time for now.
          Y'all have a nice day. ❤️


@Disgrace_the_Gods Awwe, good luck and I know that feels like, but don't give up. Yes, I need an accountability partner and thank you for the get well message.I can't wait for the prompts to drop too. ❤️❤️


I’ll be joining again after not participating last year! I have participated (or wanted to) and failed, I think three times? I’m definitely up for being accountability buddies. 
            I can’t wait to see what ONC2024’s prompts will be. I hope you feel better soon <3


Hey, Wattpaders!!
          Happy New Year, Let's Make This A Great Year! A Year full of love, laughter, and light. Yes, we are going to experience the down side of life, but don't forget about the good times. Let there be light, this year!! And I missed you all so much and writing; and I'm going to be active on here more. And I can't wait for this year's Open Novella Contest.
          So, tell me; What are y'all goals for 2024? 
          And I'm also grateful to see another year!!



Hey, I'm taking a long break. Sorry, but I just need to focus on my walk with God, myself and my mentality. I hope you all will understand and I also hope that you'll have a happy and long life.  I wish the best for you all, including the Open Novella Contest. ❤