
Why are people reading Til Death Do US Part? 
          	:( I keep forgetting to unpublish that book that I didn't know it clocked almost 50k reads. That book is in the first draft stage and I need to do a massive editing. Thanks though but don't y'all cringe? 


Why are people reading Til Death Do US Part? 
          :( I keep forgetting to unpublish that book that I didn't know it clocked almost 50k reads. That book is in the first draft stage and I need to do a massive editing. Thanks though but don't y'all cringe? 


There is a writer that I once started reading her book during the times I used to be an avid reader on wattpad here. Suddenly, she announced that she would stop writing due to her religion, I really wish I could get that writer. Does anyone know who this writer is? I don't know if she is still on wattpad.


@Kaykay_is_vogue maybe it's a different perso, a few authors I knew of stopped after they've converted or delved deeper into their religion. The person I'm referring to had an entire series - books were completed within the series. 


@jrainydays They seem familiar. It's been years since I read anything from her so I can't remember the particular book I read which she never completed before converting to Christianity. (I don't know if we are talking about the same person.)


She wrote books called Mi Preciosa and Lo Prometo. I think. They were really good. 


As I announced in When Bad Boys Fall, I lost my sister on the 7th of this month, and we buried her today. I saw her and I could not control myself. My poor little baby. I will miss her so much and I pray she continues to read my books because she always was my number one fan and still is. R.I.P Divine.


@Kaykay_is_vogue sorry for your loss. May her soul rest in peace


So sorry for your loss 


@Kaykay_is_vogue  I'm so sorry for your loss. Losing your sibling is very hard. I haven't experienced such a loss but just the thought of it makes my heart shred into pieces. The pain and grief is unimaginable. Life might seem meaningless at this point, but as someone wise said, "Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened." you should remember the vivid memories you created with your sister and smile. Do it for her. To make her happy. Everything will be fine. Wishing you peace and courage during this hard time. I'm sure she's still watching from high up. May she rest in peace 