
(A little late but) Congrats to the Round 2 winners and Ambassador picks! Seems I know a few of you, and I love to see that. Good luck to everyone in the coming round!


Congrats to everyone making it through Round 2 of ONC! Are you ready for the next round? If you didn’t make it through, don’t be discouraged! The Wattys are coming up soon, and you’ve already got a wonderful start to a novel. If the Wattys aren’t your thing, you’ve still got a new novel, and keeping up with the deadlines is a feat within itself!


ONC (and general) Check-In! How is round 2 going so far? Are you feeling hopeful? Tired? Not sure where to go with your story? All of those are okay, and you've got this!
          Also, in case you haven't seen it yet, keep an eye out in your works, as Wattpad upped the age of consent to 18. I am not sure if TBSoD will be affected, even though there are no intimate scenes, but we'll see what happens.


@Spectrethief I get it! I wrote 8,000 words in about a week once when the NaNo deadline was coming up. But all great works had authors who thought they were a mess at first, so you’re doing great! 


@ KeiraKnox1  Well, it was the first time I published with a deadline. It's turning out to be a bit of a mess (at most I'll fix it at the end of Onc), not to mention the commitments and I had to write 6000 words in four days 


Firstly, did you submit to round 2 of ONC? Second, I am going to clarify my previous post about my Wattpad hiatus, because I have changed my mind on some things. I will still be on Wattpad and checking in. I will also be taking the majority of TBSoD down in a few months, as I have received some exciting news about it, which, besides my studies, is a big influence in my break. But, I hope to be back by July or August rested and rejuvenated, with a different project to post.


Hey, guys! After a bit of consideration, I've decided that trying to get chapters out while having to write a lot for college is too much for me. That means I will be taking a little break from Wattpad. I'm hoping it will only be a couple months, max, and that I will be back in time for the Wattys, but I am not sure. It has been a while since my last update, and I know it will still be a while before another update is ready. So, I will still pop in every once in a while with check-ins, but I will be on a writing hiatus until further notice. Good luck to everyone who will be continuing on in the ONC! I'm rooting for each and every one of you!


@hchladybug1218 Thank you. This summer will be a big one for me personally as well, so a break is well needed. 


@KeiraKnox1 good luck with your studies. I completely understand stepping away for a time. I stepped away from writing after nanowrimo due to family issues. 


ONC Check-in!
          How are your stories going? Have you entered in round 2 yet? Almost ready to? Personally, I’m a bit behind but I don’t mind so much. I’m doing the best I can while in college so that’s all I can hope for!


@JDCarvell That’s understandable! Congrats on getting both of them to pass the first round though! I can barely write one let alone two lol


@KeiraKnox1 Hey, falling a bit behind with mine, I've been writing two entries. I've got one almost ready for round 2 but may have to abandon the other to ensure the first makes it through 


@Spectrethief I just got off spring break but I didn’t have much time or energy to write the whole time, though that was my goal. So, I understand your position, and I’m sure you can do it too!


Congrats to those who advanced to the next round of ONC! Have you hit the second milestone yet? I’ve heard some writers are already finished and in the complete editing stage! I’m working on the next couple chapters of my project, and hope to have at least one chapter up next week. 


@YvonneKindle honestly, same. I have a tendency to write the last 50% of a story at the last possible second XD


@KeiraKnox1 I have a tendency to write slowly at first and stew about the story, then write frantically at the end. 


ONC Check-in! How are you guys doing? How are your projects going? I probably won’t have a chapter this week due to midterm essays taking up most of my writing time, but fingers crossed for next week. Are you guys excited and motivated to reach the next word goal?


@ KeiraKnox1  I just sent mine. I hope to pass


Does anyone know of any book clubs for ONC? I've only been able to find two and their hands are pretty full at the moment. Or, would anyone be interested in being critique partners? I'm trying a new sub-genre (dark romance) this year and would love to get some input. So, if that genre is your jam, let me know if you'd be interested!


@thechristinewrites Awesome! I'll DM you and we can figure out the details!


@KeiraKnox1 Hey Keira! I'd be interested in being CPs. I'm writing a rom com and contemporary romance but i read dark romance. Let me know. 