
Happy Thursday lovelies, at least I have the day right today. Yesterday I was ahead of myself thinking it was already Thursday on Wednesday. 
          	CH9 of Mafia's Arranged Princess Bride is now live and I am absolutely loving Lucky Gianluca, a girl after my own heart. Feisty, strong willed and out of control. Next chapter will be on Monday xoxo


@KerryKennedyAuthor,i’d love to know more about you…..


Happy Thursday lovelies, at least I have the day right today. Yesterday I was ahead of myself thinking it was already Thursday on Wednesday. 
          CH9 of Mafia's Arranged Princess Bride is now live and I am absolutely loving Lucky Gianluca, a girl after my own heart. Feisty, strong willed and out of control. Next chapter will be on Monday xoxo


@KerryKennedyAuthor,i’d love to know more about you…..


Chapter 7 Mafia's Arranged Princess Bride is now live and I am loving how fierce and wild Lucky is xoxo


Oh really,….that’s pretty cool there xx 


Good morning I hope you all have a wonderful day today. The sun is shining, the birds are tweeting away and it feels like an amazing day. 
          CH46 of Ice Bound Hearts is now live and what is going on with Alex??? I am loving how their story is beginning to unfold and so excited for more xoxo


CH39 is now live Cuffing The Law and it seems that Daisy and Deacon have some chats to have...... These two though, I am loving them especially Deacon and the way he feels a little insecure around this amazing, self confident beauty who doesn't seem to want to stop at nothing to get her man xoxo


I love your books and still reading mafia arranged princess pride interesting........  Sorry to ask are you still writing and other book??


@Simeonstephen2 Hiii thaank you so much for reading this ongoing book. I have Cuffing The Law ongoing too which is book two of the Willowbrook series. Healing Hearts is book 1. I have Rope My Heart also just started. A new psychological thriller is coming around July time 