
Happy Sunday y'all!
          	Not sure why Wattpad isn't notifying me of any activity lately, so here I am, just popping in to let you guys know that Chapter Twenty for 'Paakhi' is up! 
          	Hope it is as fun to read, as it was to write! :)
          	~kimayaa a.k.a. Ankita


Happy Sunday y'all!
          Not sure why Wattpad isn't notifying me of any activity lately, so here I am, just popping in to let you guys know that Chapter Twenty for 'Paakhi' is up! 
          Hope it is as fun to read, as it was to write! :)
          ~kimayaa a.k.a. Ankita


The chapters ended too soon ༎ຶ⁠‿⁠༎ຶ


@Kimayaa it's just that I don't want the Aritro×Mili ship to drown


@Kimayaa thank you sooo much ಥ⁠‿⁠ಥ


@tune_into_your_heart I'll be back super soon with another update! 
            And lol, I'll try my best not to let any of these guys get hurt. :p❤


Hi guys!
          I feel like I say this every year, but I can't believe that today is the last day of 2023. I had so many plans for the year, but I'll just be very honest here and admit that I've not managed to strike off much from the list of resolutions, lol.
          One of the 'resolutions' had been to wrap up 'Paakhi'. Well, that was probably far-fetched considering how hectic a year I was to have, but I wanted to do my best with at least what was in my power. So here's an update of Chapter 15 for 'Paakhi'! :)
          I will also be uploading Chapter 16 tomorrow, because I want to start 2024 with this story too. 
          Hope you all have been keeping well!
          What all books did you read this year? Any recommendations for me? (I'm currently reading 'A Good Girl's Guide to Murder' and I'm LOVING it!)
          ~kimayaa a.k.a. Ankita


@aashriiiiii Happy New Year to you too!❤❤


@Kimayaa Happy New Year ❤️


@Kimayaa Oh maan, that's so sweet of you to say! ❤
            Thank you for the recommendations! Adding to my TBR for the year :)


Hey there, I really enjoyed "I was, I am" and I'm eager to move on to "Unsaid, Undone". Pretty please give us updates. Really eager to see Mihir's happy ending.
          Much love and success in your exams.


Alright then, eagerly waiting. ❤️❤️


@kemikemfiok Hello! Thank you so much for taking the time out to comment! I'm working on creating a stock of chapters so I can be a little more organized with my updating schedule. Hoping to be back super soon! :)
            And thank you sooo much for your best wishes with my exams!!


Hey Ankita didi!
          I just read the 14th chappy of 'Paakhi'. To be honest I don't know why I am writing this to you. Maybe just to let you know that I loved the story whole heartedly. I myself am a Bangali and am very fond of the Bengali culture. Also 'Paakhi' made me excited and anxious for Pujo. The preparations had already been started and our 'parar pujor pandal' is getting ready and side by side 'durga paratima' had also been started. Also one more thing you literally left us hanging. I know your personal life is very hectic and I wish you best regards for your future.  Ami ar sesriously wait korte parchi na pujor jonno! 
          Wrapping up. Wish to see an update this year. Loads of love!!


@cherxy_bae Hello! My sincerest apologies eto late reply er jonno. How was your Pujo? I hope you had a blast! I know I'm already counting days for the next Pujo lol.
            So sorry for leaving you guys hanging, I really haven't had even the slightest breather in the last few years. I've finally gotten some time on my hands now, and I'm working consistently on wrapping up Paakhi. Even though quite a few chapters are ready for publishing, I don't want to be hasty till I have a steady stock. I hope you understand. I will be back super soon though! Trying my best to be back by the end of this month itself. :)
            Thank you sooo much for reading and taking the time out to comment! It really means the world to me.❤


Dear author,
           I started "paakhi" because I was too careless to check if the story is completed. And now, here I am, stuck in the middle because, kake kake ship korbo? My whole intension of messaging you like this is that, I'll be really glad to see an update of the story. ( I cannot level  my curiosity) 
          Also, I hope you become a full time CA.
            Ps: it's August 13, and I kinda miss pujo. And the blame goes to this story. 


@RinitaBanerjee Hello! Okay first, isn't it great that Pujo is around the corner now? I find the countdown so much more exciting than the actual days lol.
            Second, I really want to give you a hint for kake kaar shaathe ship kora uchit, but I wouldn't want to give spoilers lmao. And I'm so sorry, for not being regular with updates. My exams are in November, after which I do intend on focussing on wrapping up the story. 
            Thank you so much for your best wishes and thank you sooo much for taking out the time to write such a cute message! :) :)


Dear Author,
          May I please know from you when you'll be updating Unsaid, Undone.
          Sorry- you have your CA Final but the story is so captivating that I'm dying to read it further.
          Please update n all the very best to you for the finals !!


@IshitaAnand5 Thank you so much man!! :)


@IshitaAnand5 Don't worry. I would love to know from you that you are CA finally, all the very to you for that.
            After that you can update it


@IshitaAnand5 Hey Ishita! I really want to work on updates, but unfortunately I am not in a position to give the story the quality time it needs. :/ I have my exams this November, so I am hoping that post that I can work on the story properly and focus on wrapping it up!
            Thank you so much for your best wishes! :) 


I have known your writing very late but since then no trace of you hopefully you are a full time CA now n maybe busy  with work commitment n life but make some time for Wattpad also,peace n light!!!!


@CrystalSaya Hey! So nice of you to drop a message man. I'm actually awaiting my final results as of now, so hopefully I will be a full time CA by this year haha. *fingers crossed* Also hope to manage all the aforementioned things! Thanks for reading my works❤;)


you've left us hanging with Paakhi 


@moonstruck- Hey! Apologies man, not that anything justifies going MIA this way. But I had my CA Final last year, and with office and all I'm apparently doing a terrible job juggling between things. Hope you understand! :)
            I do intend on being back asap, hopefully this year itself! Would mean a lot if you'd still hang on with the book, and even if you don't I really do understand.
            Ankita :)