
FINALLY, school is over!!! <:D Now I'll have much more time for reading and writing. What a huge joy!


New profile photo! I tried to put together Kiki's aspect and mine (like hair and skin colour). It's not a wonderful drawing, but at least it's original. :D


@Kixolor Cool so see you use an own drawn picture as your profile picture. It looks cute! 


Hello everyone! I've just added a new chapter/short story to Marlorne ("The Soup"). It was a quite disturbing concept I wanted to try. I'm not sure it'll be scary, but it reminds me of so many nightmares I had that, for me, it is. I don't know, it's very short, so it might work as well as it might not. Tell me what you think!


No one of my friends want to help me with writing...that's ok. I mean, ok: I just finished writing Mechanical Paradise in the loneliness of a story written and read only by myself, the author. I'm not made for the attention and constancy this platform, like any other platform, requires. I don't even know why I'm writing this down here. Oh my god, what a silly person am I...I could just accept everything works this way. I'd just want to be different, to stop disappearing from myself in the first place. But that's good (?). The loneliness of the artist, right? :/


Hello everyone! I haven't written here for quite a long time, but I kept publishing new Gaia's chapters for Mechanical Paradise. As usual, I'm here if you want to talk!
          I wanted to share with you an Instagram page I made for The Life of Gaia, so check it out if you're curious ( gaia_life46 )! I'm still working on it ,:)


My dear friends, I write this message here because, this way, everyone will be able to read it easier. These first days of Semptember are one of the hardest things that I had to deal with, this year. The school, the pressures from people whose only objective is to make chaos, and this new routine are destructive...I'm sorry, I didn't want to disappear. I know I told you I wasn't going to do it again, but trust me if I tell you that it wasn't just my fault.
          I only need to find an equilibrium between my passion and what I have to do.
          I hope things will return to normality as soon as possible :(