
Read something amazing and think the author deserves more attention and recognition for their work? Please check out these awards where you can nominate your favorite books as a reader!  There are still available categories left. https://www.wattpad.com/story/365737109-the-virtues-awards-2024-presented-by-the-writer%27s


He added someone :) now :) 


Read something amazing and think the author deserves more attention and recognition for their work? Please check out these awards where you can nominate your favorite books as a reader!  There are still available categories left. https://www.wattpad.com/story/365737109-the-virtues-awards-2024-presented-by-the-writer%27s


He added someone :) now :) 


Infoa suomenkielisille lukijoille! (Update to Finnish readers)
          "Wattpad on ilmoittanut muuttavansa toimintaansa niin, ettei enää tue suomenkielisiä wattpadkirjoja. Tää tarkoittaa käytännössä sitä, ettei suomenkielisiä kirjoja tule enää näkymään wattpadin etusivulla eivätkä tagit toimi suomenkielisissä kirjoissa - joka tarkoittaa siis sitä, että kirjoihin on lähes mahdoton löytää enää uusia lukijoita. Tämän vuoksi muutamat wattpadkirjailijat ovat päättäneet perustaa @WattSuomi - käyttäjän, jonne voidaan koota lukulistoille suomenkieliset wattpadkirjat omiin kategorioihinsa (esim. fantasia, poikaxpoika, runot, novellit...) @SraSera on lupautunut toimimaan tilin ylläpitäjänä. 
          Kirjailijat, käykäähän siis ilmoittamassa @WattSuomi - käyttäjälle omat kirjanne ja niiden kategoria, ja kaikki muut käykää seuraamassa tiliä, jotta saadaan suomenkielinen Wattpad pysymään kasassa!!! Jos onnistutaan mainostamaan tiliä tarpeeksi, myös uudet käyttäjät löytävät tiensä sen luokse ja sitä kautta suomenkieliset kirjat saavat yhä uusia lukijoita!"


this message may be offensive
This week, I had to have a talk with my 8-year-old about a school shooting that happened in our country. A 12-year-old shot three of his classmates, killing one and severely wounding two. Let me tell you, it wasn’t easy to answer my child's questions and worries about it, but I couldn’t shield him from it either. The news is everyone's to find, so it was a conversation we needed to have in a safe environment at home. This is the world we live in.
          Today Wattpad confirmed about updating its guidelines on April 15th, where the age of consent changes from 16 to 18 and any sexual scenes except kissing and hand holding are prohibited for characters under 18. This is, in their words, for wanting to create a safe environment for everyone… 
          Excuse me, but after all the shit news of the world today, this seems terribly hypocritical. But Ok, I’ll cut those scenes from Wattpad.
          You’ll find my stories on Inkitt too, where they don’t bully us writers with ever changing guidelines. You’ll find me there, under the same nic; Kolgrim. I have to admit, I’m quite disappointed in Wattpad now and I know I’m not the only one.


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@Kolgrim83 FRR like i always thought finland was safer (than mine) but like theres never been a 12 year old shooter here
            and again i agree abt the fucked up rule from wattpad. id genuinely rather read abt teens having sex in a story than reading about teens killing eachother IN REAL LIFE.


@chrysty13 That's horrible to hear such things happened! 
            I have a compassionate son that I had a good talk with. I believe if children have safe adults they can talk with these sorts of things won't happen. 
            Wattpads new guidelines suck big time. there are warnings. Today's world is trying to shield too much. I created most of my plotlines before I was 18 and now they say they are bad. *rolls eyes*


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@ixorinvv  Yes, today's world is dark. I've always considered our country safe and this shattered the thought. There have been school shootings before, but...a twelve-year-old? something is very wrong. 
            It's fucked up that we can't write about teenagers having sex while all this violence is going on in the world. Who are we protecting really by denying?


I'm happy to announce that my story 'Silent' just won first place in Gloria regali awards! https://www.wattpad.com/1431597777-2024-gloria-regali-awards-closed-for-judging-%E2%9C%A8dark 
          I'm just so happy right now! ❤️ This definitely gave me the boost to keep writing! I hope to update the next chapter by next week.


@MarjaSaarinen Oi ihana, kiitos! ❤️❤️❤️


Onnittelut!! Vihdoinkin, oot kyllä ansainnutkin palkinnon. Kaikkea hyvää jatkoon! Olen lukenut nuo sun novellit niiiiin moneen kertaan, että puhelimella kuin on oma kolgrim osasto ❤️ -maria


https://www.wattpad.com/1429783527-you%27re-still-you-14-enormous-wallet Omg, can you believe it? FINALLY a new chapter! I know it's been far too long, but thank all the new readers who found the story and helped me rid of the writer's block I suffered with this one.  ❤️ 
          (Lupaan kääntää tämän myös suomeksi piakoin!)


@ixorinvv That I promise to translate the chapter to Finnish soon =)


@Kolgrim83 what does that sentence in finnish say im not that far in finnish yet- 