
It's been awhile! Here's a little contest :)


Finished reading @Pollyf79 's latest masterpiece the other day, and as always, I was laughing and swooning chapter after chapter. ❤️
          I've never read a book about a more lucky unlucky woman XD
          To find out what I mean, go check it out for yourself!


@SeraDrake A great choice!
            @Pollyf79 No need to apologize! Hope you're having a great time on your vacation!


@LVann26 Apologies, I just saw this! Thanks so much for the shout-out. ❤️


Check out this reel of some of my favourite Wattpad book boyfriends ❤️

          Made by @LNRoberts1 and featuring characters from her book, my book, and books by @Pollyf79 @Vivhouse @JSPRomComs @HeidiCarroll


I should post to my wall too


Hi. Would you be interested in a R4R?


@LottieLovesLove Thank you! Your book sounds really interesting too, and I see some similarities between our books in the way that they both start with the main characters in their teens and follow them as they mature. I'm looking forward to checking it out in the future ☺️ 
            Thanks for reaching out!
            (And just as a heads up, it will probably be awhile (months) before I'm re-releasing The Love I Found. I am working on finishing the sequel first and unfortunately, it's been pretty slow going due to the business of life.)


Totally understand! Followed you - will keep an eye out for when you re-release your new book. Your book summaries sound great by the way :)


@LottieLovesLove Hey there. I'm currently not starting anymore R4Rs. Buuut, I do have plans to revise and republish my first book and will be looking for reading partners once I start to post those chapters. If you'd like, we could follow eachother for now and see how we both feel about an R4R down the road?


Hey! It's been a little while!
          I just wanted to let anyone who is wondering know that I am still, slowly but surely, working on the next few chapters of The Love I Need. There are a lot of important conversations to map out, so I want to have them all written before releasing any updates. 
          I've also been riding the downward spiral of ADHD burnout, or maybe I'm just hella tired. Whatever it is, I appreciate the ongoing patience. ❤️


Been working my way through The Tortured Poets Department (31 songs?!?! Thank you, Taylor ❤️❤️❤️) and it's giving some serious Cal and Emilia vibes.
          And if you're caught up on The Love I Need, you'll know the song Guilty As Sin is perfect for another couple--or are they not a couple?
          In other news, my family has been struggling through the stomach flu all week so I haven't gotten much writing in... :(
          But in the spirit of Taylor Swift, the next update might be a double!!! 


@wildfirehoney It's so catchy ❤️ and good luck playing catch up with all those chapters haha... Although, with how slow I've been writing lately, it might be doable!
            And thank you!! I think we are over the worst of it. Just need to catch up on sleep and get used to eating again


Guilty as Sin is one of my favorites, so I need to catch up! Hope you all feel better soon ❤️


Hi Leigh I can't seem to find any reference to lifting of age of consent? It still appears consistent with current Canadian law. My book takes place in Australia with similar laws and exemptions for near age consensual acts which would have been used in my story to defend Peter if it had gone to court in the story so I'm still at a loss to figure out why my books were taken down. ???


@RobertLHarpur I tagged you in the specific paragraph about the change. But again, they're not supposed to come into effect until April 15th so I don't understand why your books were already taken down either. I'm so sorry to hear that! :(


The Love I Found has been unpublished other than the aesthetics and author's note. :'(
          I plan to revise and publish again, but in the meantime, it can be found on Inkitt.
          If you were in the middle of reading it, I sincerely apologize. I tried to give enough warnings that it was coming down but they may have been missed. This was not a decision that I wanted to make but if I left the book up as-is it would have gone against the new content guidelines that Wattpad has put in place where the age of consent was raised to 18.
          I have a lot of ideas for the upcoming revisions but they will take some time, especially considering I'm still adjusting to life with a new baby and in the process of trying to complete The Love I Need.
          Thank you for your support and patience! It's greatly appreciated ❤️


@RobertLHarpur The new guidelines aren't supposed to be "effective" until tomorrow (April 15th) so it doesn't make sense that they would have taken your books down already. So sorry to hear that!
            The laws have not changed in Canada. I think Wattpad is just doing it to be compliant with other companies (I heard something about Apple... ?) and their policies, but I don't know for certain. I will tag you in the newsletter announcement that was released earlier this month.
            Most people are 18 by the time they go to college which I think is the case in After but I can't remember for sure. But it definitely poses a problem for so many Young Adult Romances. And New Adult Romances, such as my book, where the story begins at a younger age and/or contains flashbacks


@LVann26 Hi Leigh I missed this so I guess I now know why my books were taken down seeing it's the premise of my entire story in Book 1 that Amelia was born after midnight so was technically 15 which allows for Peter being threatened with jail. Does this mean the Canadian government has raised the age of consent or just Wattpad? Looking it up it was 14 until 2008 when it was raised to 16. No mention of a recent change???  So I guess there go all the After Books as well high school and early college romances. Looks like the lunatics have taken over the asylum. 