
Update i am pregnant 


i am sorry..i had two exam since morning..and i got highest mark on those yup i am so happy...
          Thanks u so much..u guys comment really motivated me and another grade news i come 7th position in my academics......i am getting back position again....
 was hard to maintain writting then somehow i did and i understand to use time...
          I ammmmmm sooo was best day for me..i am going call my mom..
          Thank u all again..


@Labisa0011 Yesh your! Yesh i did *pout + doe eyes* Ik but your my mommy!!! *Wide eyes*. 


@Aetheticgirlot7 i am 23 and u turn me as mom?i am still young..*flipped my hair*. 


@Labisa0011 Come here a huge hug as a gift for you to get good marks in your exam 


          Hey all can u all visit the page _Little_heart_00 she is a new author but her stories are too good
           U never disappoint by visiting her page Actually I'm her fan and I love that her books support her because it's really worth following and supporting her
          And I wanted to support her so if u also wanted to support her just visit her page and read any one of her stories, if u like then please follow her. 
          Thnx u all... 
          Please just give a try 


          Honey dont mind me..i will republish three chapter again bcz of some issues..dont worry..i didnt delete chapters i saw some missing.which i add..sorry..i didnt notice yesterday..if u guys log in again,u wont face any prb..
          Thank u..i am sorry again..i will update soon today..


AUTHOR NIM!!!!!!!! 
          I LOVE YOU
          TAKE CARE


@Layla_tae_addicted woah..i like the text..aww u are cute honey


@Layla_tae_addicted Oh hey- Mommy! Well your saying right! 


I usually don't write comments because of my introverted nature, and I've never really shared my feelings openly. However, in this book ( I Am Pregnant ), I truly expressed whatever I felt. It saddens me that when people are in trouble, We are often advised to do whatever makes them happy. The author did the same by writing her own imagination and thoughts, but people constantly demotivate her with negative comments, making her dislike what she does. This isn't right; it's her story.
          I understand when we read, we read according to our interest and we want everything happened according to us in the story because we invest time to find good books that we like, but we should also respect the author’s work. It's her story and her words. Everyone has their own perspective, but sometimes we need to consider others' opinions too; there might be lessons in them. This is Wattpad, it's not reality, so don't let it trigger you. It's just a book from another perspective. If you enjoy reading and the theme, then just appreciate it.
          First of all, the character of Jungkook is totally me. People easily judge others based on their outward nature without understanding their past. I still remember when my own best friends made fun of me in front of my college because of my dressing, my body, and my color. They laughed at me, and I still remember the pain. People never made me their first priority, even when I gave my 100%. Because of all this, it affects my present moments. I can't trust anyone easily. I feel insecure, even when people compliment me; I think they might be joking. I always run from people and prefer to live alone.
          I've never seen a perfect marriage in real life. I've seen loved ones breaking down, falling apart in marriage, shouting, crying, fighting, and abusing each other. Cheating is so hurtful and toxic. It impacts my mental health, making me afraid of marriage and committed relationships because I feel everyone is the same. 


@sareena139 first of all u are an amazing person..and thank u soo much for writting a beautiful text..i must praise u bcz its rare to see explain so beautifully..yes i also afraid marriage and people..bcz they changed if u showed them bit interest. If u gave them too much value..if they found out, u are only in them, their actual ignoring so much busy only they are..u have also busy life and gave them time,they have no value a days things turn like that if u show so much interest,u will surely get hurt.if u turn a cheater and play with someone's heart, then u will get value of ur love..
            Dont feel alone honey..i have same 6 years school best friend also insult me and left me out of jealousy bcz i got good marks than every moments i am third person in everyone life.noone noticed my efforts..i was never someone's fav.people come to me to forget their past and overcome their lonliness..insecurity and teust issues isnt fault..that i wanna needed tobe healed..everyone honey found so easy to leave those person, blame they never think those person had insecurity like u wont do same like my past..noone accept it..
            dont worry about me..i am ok..ur and mine so many things are same..u are so strong and i respect u fully..yesterday u wrote a comment for me.i was delighted. Really appreciation, respect come from heart..
            Pls take care of ur beautiful heart. Never think u are alone..i will always wish u u got an amazing person who heal u..u are best


@sareena139 I know this book triggers most of us because we want to escape reality. I do the same, but this book hit me hard because the character of Jungkook is like me. I feel it. I always react the same because of my insecurities. I react weirdly, and people must be tired of me.
            So, I feel, guys, maybe this book is not perfect as you want, but the fact is, nothing is perfect in our life. Everything is Imperfect and it's called Life ...I learned a lot from this book when the author shared some lessons in the story. I now don't share my personal life with everyone; it feels peaceful because everyone wants to see your failure, even your best friends. So, thank you, Unnie. Just keep doing what you love. Never stop. Please see the positive side and see who supports you. It's your imagination world; you do it for yourself because it makes you happy. So, don't be sad about it. You are brave enough, Unnie, because you went to a counselor. It's not easy at all. You are the main character in your life; you're fighting, so you're brave. See positivity and love. Just love and love for you ❤


I can't find one of your books where tae and kook we're married. Tae was idol or actor, Jimin and tae were bestfriends, jimin had feeling for tae. 
          And tae was younger in that story and kook was older


@Labisa0011 I can understand your worry ❤


@Stroryy it is in my draft honey..i dont have copy of that book thats why in fear i unpublished 


@Labisa0011 Why people report that book...? There is nothing to report.... It was very beautiful and fresh story. I really loved that book. I can't force you to bring that book back. Becouse it's your book and your hardwork. But I will be very happy if you bring that book back ❤