
Hello everything. Thanks for hanging with me throughout my stories. Sorry I’m taking so long with the next chapter of  A Night We’ll Never Remember. I’ve had trouble with where I wanted to go with this part. I think I’ve finished it and it will be out very soon. ❤️. I love you all. Thanks again. 


I totally understand about how being raised effects how you think and speak! My divorced parents, I lived with my religious Mom full time, and got to see my smoking, drinking, and sleeping around Dad, when he remembered me, and boy his every other word was a swear word, and I remember being in 4th grade and repeating it at the time I thought it was appropriate, and I can still feel her hand and I'm Brain damaged and not supposed to remember anything from before May 14th '96, the day I came out of my coma, SUPRISE  I do, remember my growing up years!! Speaking of going on and on ☺️ Lee, ANY time that you'd like to talk,  please feel free! As much as I don't like swearing,  if in your notes to me it slips, I can understand in your environment that's just the way you speak, and some of my friends that I have speak this way, so it's not like I block my friends that do!! Just please write to my Misty4Mark account, because I'm sorry, but I'm going to get rid of this story, because yes I have alot of Regina an Emma stories,  that after I read them I delete them!  Not saying that I didn't enjoy the story but I don't want it on my account with the swearing!! And the only reason I didn't delete this story is because of our talking, so I hope that we can find another way of talking!!!?


Hi. I would love to chat again. I’ve been trying to figure out how to send a message to you in here but I can’t. Lol. I’m not very tech savvy. Lol. So if you know how, please contact me in the private message thing. Lol. 


Wow,  I honestly didn't expect a reply, and dear I DO understand where your coming from, I'm glad to see that you personally don't use this type of language, and that's just it, in your story IS fictional and your inserting the swearing, why couldn't the fictional town come up with other ways of swearing? Like for the F word that you used ALOT. I'd insert Screw you, and yes I still think this way, because thats how I was raised!! And you may not be a published author, and just writing for fun, but I CAN SEE your work being edited and being published!!! Thanks for the reply!!


Hi. You are welcome for the reply. I always try to check back with people that read my stories, so thanks again. And I also do apologize for the F bomb that shows up frequently. Unfortunately not much I can do about that. Like I said, as I got older, I knew certain situations and what type of language would be appropriate. The other side of my life, since I was a child, has always consisted of cuss words. I unfortunately learned a lot of it from my mom, who learned it from her abusive alcoholic father. And then again F words were always used to describe many types of feelings in New England, going back to the early 80s when I was young. I don’t know where you are from, but here a cuss word used in a positive context happens very frequently. Lol. Ok so anyway. Lol. I don’t want to run on longer than I have. I just really appreciate you contacting me again, and please remember, the language used in the stories are not me…..  well depending on the e situation and how my local sports teams have done. Lol. Thanks again. Have a wonderful day. 


I was Misty2Dorothea, and changed my name to Misty4Mark, so you should remember  ALL my complaining about your language, and my comments on what I thought just was not working and why, I still DON'T approve of the constant swearing, but from the way the story went from what I rembered reading I totally APPROVE, because this story IS about them, and that's just the way it needed to go!!!
          So except for the language I liked the story.....


Hi. I do remember you and the comments. I do respect how you felt and possibly still feel. I think I also mentioned that I am no where near a professional writer. My thought process as I write, is that it takes place in New England. I’ve lived in New England my whole life and in 45 now and unfortunately that’s how most of us talk. I myself act accordingly in situations where certain language would definitely be inappropriate and I would never use such language, but with this being fictional I figured I’d have a little wider range. I’m so thankful that you reached out to me again, and I Ihope you can understand a little more about the cussing. I definitely mean no harm to anyone. Oh and when I say I’m from New England, I’m a lot closer to Boston than Maine and if you’ve ever watched a Boston based movie, every other word is probably a bad one. Lol. Thanks again. I greatly appreciate it. Have a lovely day. 


LeeHaa, It's been years since I've read this, and the first time I felt that  it was just wrong, and now reading it I can see the differences AND I think you fixed most of what I felt was wrong with it the first time I was reading it!! I still DON'T like OR approve of how much the F word IS used!! But I loved how this story ended, and I loved how you used the advice I had given you!! ❤️ ❤️ 
               Misty2Dorothea ❤️ ❤️ 


I know that you probably speak the way you write, but the thing that bugs me the most with the way you write is the cursing!! Their obviously F-ing, so why scream it out? Yes I get it that it's in the hight of passion and people DO get vulgar at times like this, but I don't like how many times it gets screamed out, and at other times you curse God, and that's the very first commandment OF what NOT to do......
          Ok my ranting is over, but I do enjoy the overall story that you tell so thank you.....


VERY impressed!! I was reading this as you were writing this story AND I can remember how I kept telling you about how you needed to keep them together AND I love that you listened to me and this story is better for it!! Great job!!!


Hi. Thanks.  I always want our SwanQueen ladies to stay together. I’m so glad you liked it. Another story to come soon. ❤️


May ask what your next story will be about?
          You don't have to answer if you don't want too...
          PS. Love your stories


            That sounds so interesting even though I have never heard the song I can't wait to hear it


You are very kind and I appreciate your interest in my stories. Right now I’m working on a story set in the old west. I don’t know what kind of music you like but if you know country singer Garth Brooks, my next story is very loosely based on his song called Lonesome Dove. 