
I will take a short break because it's the final spurt for my 2nd year in college. I will resume writing when everything becomes stable. I just had to set my priorities, and academics came first as to not f*ck again.


Anyway, you all will know if I have come back because I will publish a new chapter for the rewrite once (as I said) everything about my academics becomes stable.


I will take a short break because it's the final spurt for my 2nd year in college. I will resume writing when everything becomes stable. I just had to set my priorities, and academics came first as to not f*ck again.


Anyway, you all will know if I have come back because I will publish a new chapter for the rewrite once (as I said) everything about my academics becomes stable.


This is not related to any of my stories as I just wanted to share my mind with ya'll.
          I went to the cemetery today to do some headstone cleaning (for free as community service). I just did not expect that after a few hours of work would I read something unexpected and shocking, it was the name of my classmate during my elementary years and one whom was my friend carved in the tile along with the year 2022. I, who was trying to find ways to contact them is finally met with the question "***** died, you did not know that?" when I contacted some of my classmates...
          I stopped what I was doing and was now finally hammered with the feeling of sadness, but I should not. I saw that there were candles and freshly put flowers in it. They were remembered and not forgotten. I just smiled and pat the headstone as I cleaned it delicately as a way to show my apology to them for not having any contact for a long long time.
          To everyone that have read this message, what I want for you to be at least do is to treasure the connections you have and please communicate with them, message them with at least a hi or something. You might not know, but they might have been waiting for just that. 


I have two good news and these will be the scheduled release of the new chapter for the rewrite at the end of the month, and next would be that I am planning to also publish a new story which will not be a fanfiction anymore. I just had that much ideas to write around nowadays and it would be a waste to not put them into something like a story, much more an original one. Anyway, I hope that all of you will have a nice day~


Is it the guilt welling inside me because I left this story with a lot of drafts and ideas left untouched or was it because I want to continue this story but now with the skills I have learned?... Who knows? Hey! It's me! I have RETURNED! I don't care about Wattpad's problems anymore, I just want to continue the rewrite of my fanfic story!


I have been rereading it for the entire month, I almost wanted to slam my head to the desk because of how......C.R.I.N.G.E.Y it is. The muscles underneath my skin undulated like a worm sprinkled with salt each time I encountered a cringey moment, it was that bad so I had to decide where to start. Should I do some chapter editing first or just continue building the story?


That's it, it's finally enough. I am done with the shitty saving problem I have been facing using the website and the smartphone app. I am continuing my writing on another platform (for you to find by yourself). Goodbye everyone.


@ Lerpa2k2  Godspeed Comrade
            That was a hell of campagin son


@Lerpa2k2 godspeed dude. I wish you all the best. Have a good one 


Haaaaah. The rewrite will, and its everything will stay here... I guess I learned a valuable lesson on this one, and that is I should not think of writing stories as a way of earning money, and I should just get another part time job.


It's funny that I immediately regretted doing so. 


Next chapter for the rewrite is scheduled for publishing this Sunday, August 27, 2023, 12:00 AM GMT+8. I have been experimenting about wattpad's scheduled publishing feature, to which I am happy that it exists. Also I am planning to do a weekly publishing schedule since I was able to backup most of the drafts into a handy ".word file".


Sorry about this, but if you are wondering how my 3 works became 2 is because I had to move the other one to another platform for research purposes. Bugs, bugs, bugs, the "there is a problem with saving" bug is still happening to me when I use this writing platform. It's frustrating, but I hope it gets fixed soon