
How has everyone's month been? November didn't start very well for me but it has improved and I did my best to stay busy. Met with the neurosurgeon a couple days ago. Since the pain has greatly diminished (still taking medication but mainly because they don't recommend stopping in the middle of a cycle), the doctor said that I will probably not need any further action unless it returns or something aggravates it. I will probably start writing again this week, however, won't start posting the chapters until after the new year.


@LeslieFloresWrites It's complicated. Got a vacation from school in November, got my terrible report card and the parent teacher meeting was on my birthday, that is 30th November. So I'd say that the start was great, mid was bad and the end was great. Glad you're feeling fine now. Take care <3


@LeslieFloresWrites Glad you're better! And yes, please still take your time ^-^


@LeslieFloresWrites I'm glad you're feeling better. Please take care of yourself. <3


How has everyone's month been? November didn't start very well for me but it has improved and I did my best to stay busy. Met with the neurosurgeon a couple days ago. Since the pain has greatly diminished (still taking medication but mainly because they don't recommend stopping in the middle of a cycle), the doctor said that I will probably not need any further action unless it returns or something aggravates it. I will probably start writing again this week, however, won't start posting the chapters until after the new year.


@LeslieFloresWrites It's complicated. Got a vacation from school in November, got my terrible report card and the parent teacher meeting was on my birthday, that is 30th November. So I'd say that the start was great, mid was bad and the end was great. Glad you're feeling fine now. Take care <3


@LeslieFloresWrites Glad you're better! And yes, please still take your time ^-^


@LeslieFloresWrites I'm glad you're feeling better. Please take care of yourself. <3


I had a near catastrophe today. As you know, I had to stop writing because of the pain from a bulging disc in my spine. However, I had completed the majority of the next chapter before the incident and the pain stopped me from writing. During this time, I got a new computer and did my best to transfer everything over.
          Today, I felt good enough to try to write again. I went to my OneDrive to open my draft chapter document... and it was gone! Well, it actually held the rough draft of the previous chapter, but still. Panicking, I looked everywhere but could not find it. I was starting to think I would have to start again from scratch.
          Then I remembered that I have a habit of emailing chapters to myself so that I can potentially do some writing during downtimes at work (rarely find the time, though). I sprinted my Sent Items and, lo and behold, there it was! I haven't gotten a chance yet to see if it is the latest version of the draft, but at least I don't have to rewrite the entire thing.


@LeslieFloresWrites omg that's one of my worst nightmares. And then there are some people (mostly non-writers) who say "oh don't worry, don't be sad, you can just write anew and then it will be better!" NO
            Also, take your time and get better! Don't rush yourself! ^-^


I discovered one benefit of having to spend most of my time icing my back instead of writing is that I have gotten a chance to catch up on my backlog of dramas. Finally got my chance to watch Queen Charlotte.


@LeslieFloresWrites  Ik! I loved that about it!


@HolographicTears Yes, it was. One of the things I loved about it was how it expanded upon the alternate history it created. A few vague hints were dropped about the historical changes but Queen Charlotte really expanded upon them.


@LeslieFloresWrites Queen Charlotte was great!


I started physical therapy last week. Between that and the medication they prescribed, I have made some improvement. I can move my neck more and with a lot less pain. However, the pain in my shoulder/bicep/elbow continues to trouble me. Trying to type for more than five minutes causes me to cramp up. Considering how much progress I have made in 1.5 weeks, I can only hope that another couple of weeks will see enough improvement to allow me to start writing again.
          In other news, while doing some spring (fall?) cleaning, I found on old USB. It contained some unfinished or unpolished stuff I wrote back in college. Most of it has been untouched for over 15 years. Perhaps I will post some of them if I can ever past the cringe...


@donnaf1828 Thanks. Just left physical therapy. Hopefully, I will see some progress soon.


@LeslieFloresWrites I've just read about your bulging disc. Very painful, so take care.


@LeslieFloresWrites take care and get well soon!


For the past couple of days, my right shoulder/neck/arm was giving me pay that was slowly increasing. At first, I thought it was just a neck kink or pinched nerve and went to a chiropractor/therapist.  However, today, I awoke in excruciating pain. Went to ER, and they did an MRI scan. Apparently, I have a bulging disc that makes it incredibly hard to use my right arm right now. They ordered some bed rest, pain meds, and physical therapy. 
          Since I can't say how long recovery will be, I am officially putting my regular post on hiatus. That doesn't mean I will stop writing and will do what I can offline. Perhaps I can finally get my buffer chapters back!


@LeslieFloresWrites Agree, don't stress yourself out and get your rest! ❤


@LeslieFloresWrites Don't stress yourself out and focus on your health too! Take as much recovery time as it needs!


Thank you so much for adding K-pop Confessions to your reading list<3 ❤️


@ISH123unknown I will have to add that book to my Amazon wishlist...


@LeslieFloresWrites I felt like writing my own story rather than fanfiction, it's a bit more original and I felt that designing my characters was better. I was also thinking about writing a story in the k-pop industry, actually, a published book K-pop Confidential gave me this idea


@ISH123unknown No problem. I have been thinking of writing a story set in the K-pop world for a while. This is the first I have seen the appears to be an original story and not fanfiction.


My apologies for missing the update last week. I was focusing on getting the bibliography updated and was unable to finish the chapter completely. Instead of rushing one out, I will spend the extra time putting a little more polish on it and (hopefully) have a little surprise for my readers this weekend.