
I know this has been blowing up recently, but I am so sad that Wattpad is doing away with Direct Messages. I think it's a great way for readers and writers to connect with each other. I am going to be adding my Young Guns fanfic to so if any of you would also like to follow me there, which still has direct messaging, feel free to do so. 
          	My name is the same as here, LiteraryDragon
          	Y'all can also reach me on discord. Granted I don't check discord often, but I'll respond as soon as I can. 
          	I also started a new writers account on Instagram, if you'd like to follow me there. 
          	If you would like to reach me at either Discord or Instagram, message me before April 30th and I will give you my ID and IG info.
          	I hope we all can stay connected. 


@randomreader000000 I created a new writer account on IG specifically for writing, that people can reach me on, since I lost my old one. It's theoutlawwriter


I know this has been blowing up recently, but I am so sad that Wattpad is doing away with Direct Messages. I think it's a great way for readers and writers to connect with each other. I am going to be adding my Young Guns fanfic to so if any of you would also like to follow me there, which still has direct messaging, feel free to do so. 
          My name is the same as here, LiteraryDragon
          Y'all can also reach me on discord. Granted I don't check discord often, but I'll respond as soon as I can. 
          I also started a new writers account on Instagram, if you'd like to follow me there. 
          If you would like to reach me at either Discord or Instagram, message me before April 30th and I will give you my ID and IG info.
          I hope we all can stay connected. 


@randomreader000000 I created a new writer account on IG specifically for writing, that people can reach me on, since I lost my old one. It's theoutlawwriter


I read your profile about loving John Wayne my dad used love John Wayne 


@JackieHammack1 that's so awesome! John Wayne's movies are great. A huge inspiration for my writing.


@JackieHammack1 my dad grew up watching John Wayne he had movies of John Wayne and a picture of him


@JackieHammack1 yeah? That's awesome ! My grandfather was a huge John Wayne fan and he and I would always watch his movies together. Still do sometimes. And it instilled in me a love of Westerns and John Wayne and his movies. ❤️ 


To all the lovely readers who have been waiting for Chapter 26 of Young Guns: Fire and Steel. I shall be publishing it in the next day or so. Keep on the look out. It took me longer than planned to finish it because I have been sick, for what feels like ages. But I have it mostly done. Just need to do a little translating ^_~
          Anyway, it shall be up soon. I hope you all enjoy. And as always, I love any and all feedback. ❤️


          Hi, and thanks for choosing Tobias Crowe for your collection, I hope it satisfies the western appetite.
          If I'm lucky, and it does, there are a number on my page - and not just mine.  ;p)


@lyttlejoe I haven't read it yet, but I'm excited to. I love a good western. I've written some myself, mostly fanfics though. I can't wait to take the time and read your work. ❤️


Hi I don't know what's going on but I can't read the new chapter 26 it won't load 


@crazy_moyer no, nothing wrong on your end. It's all good. ❤️ 


@Literarydragon omg no, it's ok! I thought something was wrong on my end! 


@crazy_moyer I am so sorry. I accidentally hit publish instead of save when I was working on the chapter. I wasn't finished with it. I am hoping to finish it either this week or next week at the latest. I'll try and remember to do an announcement so y'all will know about it. ❤️ Again I'm so sorry.


I hope to have an update by Friday, for those who are waiting. My apologies for taking a while. Life took a nose dive and it's been rough. But I've been managing to write the past few days so I am shooting for a new chapter to be published by Friday. 
          I hope you all are well. And thank you for being patient with me. ❤️


I know I don't announce much, but I thought I'd share for those who have been enjoying Kristal's exploits in Young Guns: Fire and Steel. I heard this version of this song and it gives me Kristal Starr vibes. 
          Enjoy! If you have the chance to check it out.


@AlphaRedJensen doesn't it? I love it. I have it playing in the background now when I write for her. It's my new favorite song. ❤️
            ((And... I can almost hear her singing that song herself as she's handing out her kind of justice. ))


Hope you enjoyed Running straight into his arms hope you'll leave a comment or two 


@Mjthe112222aaaa Chavez is cool. I love Chavez. ❤️


@Mjthe112222aaaa lol. I take it Chavez is the love interest?


You are welcome Kris. My name is Ryan Dallion I own and run an antique store called curious goods with my cousin Miki Foster and our friend Jack marshak we hunt for and gather cursed antiques that my uncle Lewis Vendredi had sold. Have you heard of and seen a show called Friday the 13th the series? Please check out my story called Friday the 13th the series/young guns cross over 


@RyanDallion I just saw this. My apologies. I've heard of the show, but I've never watched it. I will try and check out your story as soon as I can. It sounds interesting. 