
I absolutely LOVE reading your guy's comments!  They make my day lolll 


So you might have noticed that I took down a few of my stories. I did this because I felt the ones I took down were done kind of halfway and I don't want to put out that kind of content. 
          I am in the process of starting a new story that you guys will see very soon! I'm getting back into the swing of things and have lots of inspiration right now!
          A tip for all of the new writers out there or even those who have been doing this for a while, don't write when you don't feel like it. Write when you have actual emotion and passion to put into your story because if not then you'll never be fully satisfied with what you put out. 
          I was writing stories and chapters for a while out of obligation more than pleasure and after a while I just got tired of it. It wasn't enjoyable anymore and so I took a break to recollect.
          Now I'm back and I'm happy to be here!! So keep an eye out for new content coming soon!!
          Love you all so incredibly much!! Xx


Hey guys! I want to apologize for the huge lack of updates. I've been dealing with a lot lately and still am so I actually won't be writing for a little while longer. I will however still be checking out stories, voting, commenting on your guys' stuf, etc. 
          I really just don't want to write when I'm not feeling it and then give you guys half ass stories. 
          It does make me incredibly happy that when I logged back in today I saw that I now have 106 followers which I know to some may not be a big deal, but to me it totally is! I will be following every single on of you back and I love you all so so much!


My story Crazy Feelings is already at 13.3 k reads!! I just saw and I can't even believe it. Thank you to everyone who reads, votes, and comments on my stories.
          It's because of amazing people like you that I love making stories so much!
          If you haven't read Crazy Feelings then you definitely should! Check out my other stories as well!! 
          Love you all so so much!