
My Brand story that is coming up on December 5th is going to be PG stuff on it but do not worry I will go back writing normal stories again. I am trying to mix my stories a little bit to make it interesting to you guys


My Brand story that is coming up on December 5th is going to be PG stuff on it but do not worry I will go back writing normal stories again. I am trying to mix my stories a little bit to make it interesting to you guys


What role do you guys want Suol to play as in "Two brothers that were raised on another planet." ? 
          1. You guys want Suol to take up the role of the protector and has his brother done?
          2. Suol should give up on protecting his planet and the multiverse from any conflicts.
          3. Suol children should take up the role of protecting their planet and their grandparents and their dad. 
          4. Let the evil people who were still in mind control and kill everyone there. 
          5. Suol should make peace with everyone.


The continuation of the "Two brothers that were raised on another planet."  will continue in three months. 
          October is almost finished and November is going to start a brand NEW story and EPIC storytelling and is it going to be posted on the 15th November 2023.


Thank you so much for the views that I got from "Two brothers that were raised on another planet."
          I wasn't expecting Two brothers that were raised on another planet to have more views than the Survivor of the Multiverse. 
          But thank you all for the views that I have gotten.